Bastions Of War2 Beta |
This web page contains information about the Beta version of Bastions of War 2 for Never Winter Nights 2
Please be aware that this is Very Early Beta for the purpose of finding and fixing bugs.
This is Not the offical or live version of BoW2 (yet to be announced).
You must be a Bastions of War
Guild Member to participate in the beta
More information about the Beta test can be found in our Guild Forum
Updates and Current Information
Connection Information
Please make sure you read and this first about important information conerning the Beta test
1: Download PWC File (You only need to download one of these.)
2: Uncompress PWC file:
Rar: If you downloaded the .rar file you will need to uncompress it
with a tool like WinRar
Zip: If you downloaded the .zip file you will need to uncompress it
with a tool like Winzip or Compressed Folders feature built into Windows XP.
3: Installing the PWC file:
Install the uncompress .pwc file to the "Neverwinter Nights 2\pwc" directory
under the "My Documents" folder (found on desktop).
The full path of this directory will ussually be:
"C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\pwc"
(where "%USERNAME%" is your Windows Login user)
4: Connecting to the server:
Load Neverwinter Nights 2 and start a MultiPlayer Game.
The BoW2 Beta server can be found under the "Arena" section of gamespy.
The server name will be: "BastionsOfWar2Beta"
(If you don't see it, check your "Game Filters" and make sure "Password Protected" is unchecked)
If that does not work, try direct connect to one of these hosts:
The password can be found in the
Guild Forums
BoW2 Core&GamePlay
If you find any bugs in BoW2 beta or would like to offer feedback on the core or gameplay systems please contact
directly by sending a Private Message
on the Bioware Forums
BoW2 Balance
If you have any ideas, feedback or suggestions on Balancing issues please contact Rainywinter1 directly by sending a Private Message on the Bioware Forums.
NWN2 Bugs
Any NWN2 Bugs should be posted to this thread which is tracked by Uninvited Guest
There is also a Public Thread that you can post to regarding any issuses or in our Guild Forum