BoW2 Alpha and Beta Testers
Thanks to the following people for either helping test or submiting bug reports
- krsboss [Lead QA Tester]
- Uninvited Guest [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- Magic_Shrooms [Extensive testing of the Crafting and Kits systems and very detailed report]
- da938 [Multiplayer function testing in Alpha & relaying bugs found in Alpha]
- JasonMcclung [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- RainyWinter [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- furrfu [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- Zodathria [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- TheHellWarrior [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- jolt3 [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- Sedalia123 [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- YHCIR [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- UnsaltedSaltine [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- greyhawk-13 [Found and submitted bug reports in Beta]
- austicke [Found and relayed bugs found in Alpha]