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Welcome to Bastions of War
Bastions of War team PvP arena
Build 1134
Direct connect IP: nwn.bastionsofwar.com
Web site: www.bastionsofwar.com
Donations: paypal.bastionsofwar.com
NWNWiki: nwn.wikia.com
Server Host: [DM] Lord Alexander (North America)
Email/MSN: alec@usticke.org, AIM: austicke
Module Administrator: [DM] Rainywinter (Asia)
Email: rainywinter@bastionsofwar.com, AIM: Rainywinter1
Module Founder: [DM] Jibekn (North America)
Dungeon Masters:
[DM] Kovi (Europe), Gameplay DM
[DM] Aggaron Wraithstouch (North America), Maps DM
[DM] Abby (North America), Server Tools DM
[DM] Anima (Europe)
[DM] godless (North America)
[DM] Kaphwan (Asia)
[DM] Leafy (North America)
[DM] Raralith (North America)
[DM] re-dead (Asia)
- BoW web site created by trulez
- BoW server vault scripts by Abby_
- BoW reboot scripts by Abby_ adapted from Socks
- Character file editing scripts by Abby_ with help from dragonsong & Ratbert #CP# (of the Memetic Toolkit) using DBD::XBase Perl module
- Italian translation of Journal by Arfra
- NWN Lexicon by Numerous Contributors
- Leto by dragonsong & Team Leto
- Spell Bugfix Pack by Kovi
- Complete Helpers Package (DM's Helper, Players Helper and FXWand) by Dopple, Jhenne, Splith, Robert Bernavich & Archaegeo
- Genji's Coloring Book by Genji
- Alcohol scripts adapted from Galbor, Rikan & ArtemisJ
- NWN Spellchecker by Hans Olsen
- Easy Familiars and Animal Companions Starter Kit and Easy Editable Summons Starter Kit by OldManWhistler and shadguy
- Camera Control by The Munchkin Lord
- Map contributions by Jibekn, Kalec Stromhir, Istyan the Fiend, Lightning Striker, Entreri, UltimateChaos, Virtuzoso, Kragus Wyrmslayer, Carthorn, Inferno, Rainywinter, Betleman, LSK, Hakanubis, Ecthalon, Deviltail, brooksy, zHamz, HeronDacre, Abby_, Inquis, SpontaneousCharacterChanger, trulez, luuser1234, sundragonZ, Merik Mage, krsboss & Jade Undone
- Monetary donations by Zeros_Reaper, Shard2581, Rhodomont, Tinker Ball, TheGit, rnmuos, Raralith, Cyrus Decco, Sunchild, Thor Skulkrush, Slygar, Aggaron Wraithstouch, klubz, Hazzzz, Virtuzoso, Semli Hammerfist, Abby_, CristianP, Zoreil, SSLRranma, Kielvon, the garbage can, Silmakhor, B-G, earthdog, AngelOfDeath001, directrealist, EverQuest Player, jontyler, ZeVamp, helmates, Grislo, TamDarkstar, pstarky, Maximus Arrelious, Mason22Sky, Cat-O-Pillar, Devlin Olan, Der Unbekannte, Drago66, rgrmrdt, Krag, claywalker2000, Blood-Brother, Denasti, NintendoJesus, Hadel20, UnsaltedSaltine, mantis3, kovi2, Tyler-Durden & TLD_Kalb

Server Rules
Please keep the discussions civil. There's nothing wrong with a little trash talk, but please don't vent your anger here. If you have a complaint or want to whine, please post to the guild forum.
Swearing and other inappropriate language is not allowed.
Character names may only contain the letters A to Z and may not be longer than 36 characters and may not include profanity or other inappropriate words. Character descriptions may not be longer than a few paragraphs. Do not re-use the exact same name for different characters.
Griefing other players -- including team killing, harassing via tells or shout, preventing others from resting in base, etc. -- will be punished by the DMs' discretion from XP/GP fines to ban.
Twinking -- transferring gold or items between characters -- is not permitted, and there are scripts in place to prevent it. Gold and item values can not exceed XP. Do not try to give a character more gold, because it will just result in an invalid character.
Leeching -- hiding in the arena to soak up XP/GP rewards without aiding your teammates in battle -- is not permitted.
Powerleveling -- saving up XP and not leveling -- is not permitted. You will lose excess XP/GP beyond your new level when you level up.
If multiple players share the same Internet connection, each computer must have a different Client Port set in the [Profile] section of the nwnplayer.ini file.
If you discover a bug or exploit, you are required to tell a DM and NOT tell other players. Exploiting bugs and teaching others about them is an instant ban.
Rule violations should be reported to [DM] Rainywinter, the Rules Enforcement DM, at email rainywinter@bastionsofwar.com or AIM Rainywinter1.

Q. I just got disarmed, and my weapon isn't where I was disarmed!
A. Don't worry, no one has taken your weapon, and it's not lost. If it's not on the ground, 90% of the time it's already been placed back in your inventory. If you truly lose a weapon (due to a server crash for example), just talk with Shady Character in the Entrance, and she will reimburse the gold value.
Q. Can I loan someone gold?
A. No! Transferring ANY items or gold between characters (even if they're both your characters) is called twinking and is strictly prohibited. (But you may place Healer's Kits in the bin in your base to give to teammates.)
Q. Why was I booted?
A. There are scripts in place to prevent leeching (standing motionless for 3 minutes) and swearing. Otherwise, you'll have to ask the DM who booted you.
Q. Why can't I switch my alignment to join the other team?
A. This isn't some game, soldier! This is war -- the ancient battle of good vs. evil! You're expected to support your brethren and destroy your enemies! You can, however, change your alignment once before you reach the starting level (just see Shady Character). All class alignment restrictions for all classes have been removed.
Q. My character is invalid! Can I fix him?
A. You can report character problems on the guild forum or email [DM] Lord Alexander.
Q. How do I delete a character?
A. You may mark a character to be deleted by speaking to Shady Character in the Entrance. It will take up to 24 hours for the character to be removed from your vault.
Q. I've been gone a while, and now my characters are gone. Was there a wipe?
A. We don't have server vault wipes, but unused player accounts are archived after six months. They can be restored by emailing [DM] Lord Alexander.
Q. Why do the CP and Round End Rewards listed not match what I receive?
A. All individual rewards are adjusted based on character level. See Reward Calculations for details.
Q. How can I check the score or time remaining in the round?
A. You may view the scoreboard at any time by using the Crafting Skills ability from your radial menu.
Q. How can I qualify for bonus gold?
A. Normally, characters may only possess GP (including item values) equal to their XP. However, there are four ways you can qualify for bonus gold. First, while there are no multiclass XP penalties on BoW, pure class characters and those who normally would not have multiclass penalties receive a 10% gold bonus. Second, those with ONLY Fighter, Barbarian and/or Ranger levels get a 30% gold bonus. Third, those with the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat receive a flat 10,000 GP gold bonus. Fourth and finally, Bastions of War guild members receive a 1% gold bonus. (All players who have joined the guild at forum.bastionsofwar.com should get a guild ring from Shady Character.) The gold bonus is granted only when you level up (after the starting level). If you later lose your qualification for bonus gold (for example, by taking a class that causes multiclass penalties or -- in the case of melee fighter bonus gold -- taking any class besides Fighter, Barbarian, or Ranger), you will lose ALL bonus gold previously received.
Q. How does the XP Bank work?
A. Shady Character runs an XP Bank where you may retire characters and deposit XP/GP. You may then transfer that XP/GP to another character. There is a cost however -- you may only retain a portion of the XP/GP earned beyond 435,000 XP (level 30). The amount retained starts at 50% for level 30 and increases 2% each level until it's 70% for level 40. You may also bank a partial amount of XP if you have more than 1,000,000 XP. You may only withdraw up to 800,000 XP unless you previously banked a higher amount with that specific character. The bank is linked to your CD Key, so any player using your CD Key will have access to the same account.
Q. Why can't I select Shadowdancer while leveling? I meet all the requirements.
A. The first level class feat Hide in Plain Sight has been removed from BoW, so you must follow Shady Character's instructions in order to level up as a Shadowdancer.
Q. How can I test out a new character build?
A. Simply make a new character with [test] in the name. (Make sure you include the brackets.) You will be transferred to a small tent where you can level and buy equipment. However, the character is invalid beyond the test area and may not be used to fight.
Q. Did I just see a Hobgoblin on one of the teams?
A. It's possible. Some players who have won contests or helped the server or guild have been rewarded with custom appearances. However, it is just a cosmetic change -- they don't have any advantage beyond the appearance. They must build their characters with the same rules as everyone, and must earn XP and GP to level and buy equipment just as everyone else.

This module is about building good characters and teamwork. For this reason, the following item properties are not allowed: All Immunities, Damage Reduction, Damage Resistance, AC Bonus greater than +6, Enhancement or Attack Bonus greater than +4, True Seeing, Freedom of Movement, Holy Avenger, Feats & Abilities, Versus Alignment Group (AC Bonus, Enchantment Bonus, Attack Bonus, Damage Bonus), and Containers (Weight Reduction or otherwise). There are, however, some items that cast spells with these properties.
There are no Heal/Cure potions, but Healing Kits are given out as rewards. Kamas are not available due to bugs with Monks. Only Wizards have access to scrolls.
Item Crafting
While a limited selection of pre-made items are available, you can craft a multitude of custom items at the Blacksmith. Crafting skill is not needed, because he does all the work. The following restrictions apply.
Enhancement Bonus - limited to +4
Attack Bonus - limited to +4
Damage Bonus * - limited to 1d6 physical or 1d10 elemental (any combination); double for bolts
Keen * - no restriction
Massive Criticals * - limited to 1d10
Mighty * - limited to +5
On Hit * ** - only allowed one On Hit property; not available on ranged weapons
Vampiric Regeneration * - limited to +4
AC Bonus - limited to +6
Ability Bonus ** - limited to +8 (any combination)
Skill Bonus ** - limited to +4 (any combination)
Improved Saving Throw ** - all saves limited to +1 Universal, +2 vs. effects (Acid, Cold, Death, etc.), or +3 Fortitude/Reflex/Will (any combination)
Bonus Spell Slot ** - limited to one bonus spell slot
Darkvision - no restriction
Haste - no restriction
Light - no restriction
Regeneration ** - limited to +2
* Weapon properties are only available along with Enhancement Bonus +4.
** The following item properties may not be combined on a single item: On Hit, Ability Bonus, Skill Bonus, Improved Saving Throw, Bonus Spell Slot, and Regeneration.
Damage, Ability, Skill, and Saving Throw bonuses can be any combination up to the limit. For example, you may have Strength +8 on an item or you may have Strength +4, Dexterity +2, and Constitution +2 on an item.
Skill Bonus: Discipline and Use Magic Device are not available.

Spell Changes
With the exception of Battletide, Dirge, Invisibility Purge, and War Cry, all area of effect spells are Full PvP -- they affect friend and foe alike. Team kills are penalized, so please be careful.
Spells may not be cast while in Expertise mode.
The duration of most disabling spells has been changed to 2 rounds + 1/3 levels to a maximum of 20 rounds. The maximum duration is increased 50% if Extended. This affects the following spells: Bigby's Clenched Fist, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Bigby's Forceful Hand (10 rounds max), Bigby's Grasping Hand, Charm Monster, Charm Person, Charm Person or Animal, Confusion, Control Undead, Dominate Animal, Dominate Monster, Dominate Person, Fear, Flesh to Stone (10 rounds), Hold Animal (10 rounds), Hold Monster (10 rounds), Hold Person (10 rounds), Mass Charm & Turn Undead. The duration of summon immobilization effects (such as Dragon and Mummy fear) are a maximum of 20 rounds.
Most buffing spells do not stack with themselves, including Aid, Regenerate, Tenser's Transformation, and Undeath's Eternal Foe. Damage shields (Elemental Shield, Wounding Whispers, Death Armor, Mestil's Acid Sheath) do not stack with the each other.
A "high AC mage" is defined as one with the Armor Skin epic feat, Epic Mage Armor spell or more than 20 points in the Tumble skill. See Elemental Shield, Epic Warding and Mestil's Acid Sheath.
Amplify: Provides +10 to Listen (instead of +20). Does not require a somatic component.
Aura versus Alignment: Only one instance of Holy Aura or Unholy Aura may be active at a time, but each provides immunity to mind-affecting spells for both alignments; Unholy Aura Inflicts divine damage instead of negative (just like Holy Aura).
Balagarn's Iron Horn: Based on discipline check. The DC is the same as the Bigby spells except there is no Size Modifier.
Ball Lightning: Bug fixed (should have Reflex save).
Battletide: When cast from an item, doesn't create AOE, only provides +2 AB, +2 damage, and +2 saving throws.
Bigby's Forceful Hand, Bigby's Grasping Hand, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Bigby's Crushing Hand: Based on Discipline check. DC = caster level + spell level - 15 + caster ability modifier + Spell Focus bonus + size modifier (vs. large size) + d20. Arcane Defense lowers the DC by 2. The damage from Clenched Fist and Crushing Hand is 2.5x to compensate for the reduced duration.
Bigby's Interposing Hand: Decreases the target's Attack Bonus by 2d4 + 1 instead of flat -10.
Blade Barrier: Handles Reflex saving throw and Evasion / Improved Evasion feats properly.
Bless: Bug fixed (wasn't centered on target).
Camouflage, Mass Camouflage: Provide +5 to Hide skill, instead of +10.
Continual Flame: When cast on an item, the light property is temporary.
Control Undead: Turns undead instead of control (domination).
Create Undead: The summoned undead creature is always a pet of the caster.
Dispel Magic, Lesser Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Mordenkainen's Disjunction: The DC check to dispel a buff is caster level + Spell Focus Abjuration (+1, +2 & +4 for Spell Focus, Greater SF & Epic SF Abjuration respectively) + d20 vs. target's character level + Arcane Defense Abjuration (+2) + 11. Instead of the caster level being capped for Lesser Dispel, Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel & Mordenkainen Disjunction it is the full caster level minus the following adjustment:
Bards, Clerics, Druids & dispel traps: -13 / -8 / -3 / -2 (mord trap) respectively.
Sorcerers and Wizards: -16 / -11 / -6 / -2 respectively.
If the dispeller's adjusted caster level is higher than the target's character level, it is lowered to be the same, to allow a maximum base chance of 50% to dispel. The Spell Focus bonus then only applies if the target's character level is less than 6 levels higher.
Divine Favor, Divine Power: The following spells and feats are weakened when used together: Divine Favor, Divine Power, Divine Shield and Bard Song. The first one used is at full power but any subsequent are half power (but duration is unchanged), but Divine Favor is simply removed when Divine Power is used. (Alternatively, you can set which one will always be at full power using the PC wand.) Divine Favor: The caster gains a +1 bonus for every 4 caster levels (instead of 3). Divine Power never provides an extra attack per round.
Dominate Monster: Immobilizes in addition to daze.
Dragon Knight: The Red Dragon summon does not have True Seeing.
Elemental Shield: When cast after Epic Warding, damage is reduced by 20% or -- for high AC mages -- 60%.
Epic Warding: Absorbs 35 points of damage per caster level before collapsing (reduced from 50 points per level). If cast after Elemental Shield or Mestil's Acid Sheath, the Damage Reduction amount and damage absorbed before collapsing is reduced by 20% or -- for high AC mages -- 60%.
Expeditious Retreat: Spell disabled.
Find Traps: Does not disarm traps, but does reveal traps to all party members.
Flame Arrow: Only a single SR check for all missiles, so each missile isn't counted as a separate spell against spell mantles.
Gate: The summoned Balor is always a pet of the caster.
Greater Ruin: The number of damage dice is 15 + caster level (instead of flat 35d6). Failing saving throw also causes blindness for 1d6 + 4 rounds. Spell Focus Evocation adds DC as per feat. (2, 4, 6)
Greater Sanctuary: Duration changed to 2 rounds + 1 round per 3 levels. The Spellcraft and Heal skills are lowered, so Counterspell and Healer's Kits can't be used while ethereal. Provides an attack and damage penalty. Etherealness is removed when casting any spell -- actions are cleared and the caster can't cast another spell for 5 - 12 seconds.
Greater Spell Breach: Spell Resistance may not be breached.
Heal, Mass Heal, Greater Restoration, Harm: Healing is capped at 50 Hit Points + 1d4 points per caster level; damage is capped at 100 Hit Points + 2d4 points per caster level.
Hellball: The number of damage dice for each damage type is 5 + caster level divided by 4 (instead of flat 10d6). The Cold damage has also been added. Spell Focus Evocation adds DC as per feat (2, 4 or 6).
Holy Aura: See Aura versus Alignment.
Holy Sword: The Holy Avenger property has been changed to Enhancement Bonus +5, Damage Bonus Divine 1d6, Spell Resistance 16, Use Limitation Paladin. The Enhancement Bonus is not applied if the weapon already has the identical item property, so that it can be used in conjunction with Greater Magic Weapon.
Ice Storm: Has the following caster level when cast in Rakshasa form: (Druid level + Shifter's level) / 2 + 3.
Invisibility Purge: Does not affect allies but does affect caster; duration changed to 1 round / level; aura visual effect added; does not affect Assassin's Improved Invisibility ability.
Invisibility Sphere: Duration changed to 1 round / level.
Isaacs Greater Missile Storm: Limited to a maximum of 10 missiles per target.
Knock: Works on plot doors in a Large Sphere.
Lesser Spell Breach: Spell Resistance may not be breached.
Magic Circle Against Alignment: Same as Protection from Alignment change.
Magic Vestment: No effect when cast on Chaos Shield item.
Mass Charm: Works like other charm spells; dazes target(s). The hit dice restriction has been removed.
Mestil's Acid Sheath: Damage lowered to 1d6 points + 1.25 points per caster level. If cast after Epic Warding, damage is reduced to 1d6 + 1 point per caster level or -- for AC Mages -- to 1d6 + 0.5 points per caster level.
Mordenkainen's Disjunction: Bugs fixed; see Dispel Magic. Also, Spell Resistance may not be breached.
Mordenkainen's Sword: The Helmed Horror summon does not have True Seeing.
Negative Energy Burst: Fixed bug so it heals friendly undead.
Planar Binding, Lesser Planar Binding, Greater Planar Binding, Planar Ally: Planar Summoning Crystals are available from the Magic Item merchant that will alter the alignment of the summon.
Polymorph Self: The Umber Hulk polymorph does not have True Seeing.
Protection from Alignment: Provides immunity to mind-affecting spells of the opposing alignment, i.e., both Protection from Good and Protection from Evil provide immunity against both Good and Evil mind-affecting spells.
Raise Dead, Resurrection: Spells disabled.
Shapechange: The Red Dragon polymorph does not have True Seeing, and its Dexterity is reduced to 10 and natural Armor Class increased by 10.
Spell Resistance: Spell Focus (Abjuration) provides bonuses when cast on self: Spell Focus provides +1 SR, Greater Spell Focus +2 and Epic Spell Focus +4.
Silence: Provides immunity to Curse Song.
Time Stop: Spell disabled. You may purchase an epic misc item to reenable it in a different manner.
True Seeing: Does not automatically see through characters in Stealth Mode; spell is a combination of the See Invisibility and Ultravision spells and also grants a +10 skill bonus to Search skill.
Undeath's Eternal Foe: The AC bonus type is Dodge.
Unholy Aura: See Aura versus Alignment.
War Cry: Does not require a somatic component.
Word of Faith: Grants a Will saving throw before taking effect.
Vampiric Touch: Does not work on dead creatures.

Skill, Feat, Class & Ability Changes
The Pale Master class has been changed so they "gain" -2 AC upon reaching level 8.
The Red Dragon Disciple class has been changed so they "gain" -25% Cold Vulnerability, -2 Discipline and -2 AC upon reaching level 10. The penalties are cumulative, which means a character who is 8 PM and 10 RDD get both penalties.
Social skills such Appraise and Persuade are not used.
All polymorph spells and abilities (including all Shifter forms) may not be canceled due to a bug that can crash the server. You may however unpolymorph by using the familiar/animal companion ability if you have more than 250 hit points. Also, characters are not saved while polymorphed.
Arrow of Death, Hail of Arrows, Imbue Arrow, Seeker Arrow: Physical damage is applied as magical when the Arcane Archer has at least Enchant Arrow V (to compensate for a bug with bypassing Damage Reduction) and the target doesn't have Epic Warding or x/- damage reduction (such as from Barbarian or Dwarven Defender levels). The damage also includes arrow damage bonus, bow Massive Criticals, and Epic Weapon Specialization.
Barbarian Rage: Provides additional bonuses of +1 Attack Bonus, +1 Damage, +1 Fortitude, +1 Discipline, and +1 Concentration. Succeeding a difficulty check of Constitution modifier + 1d20 vs. DC 21 will halve the -2 AC penalty. The unraged Constitution modifier is doubled in the duration calculation.
Bard Song: Does not work for Bards below level 11 with less than 18 Perform; skill decreases above 4 are cut in half (an 8 decrease is reduced to 6); removes Bard's invisibility and Greater Sanctuary upon use. Effects removed upon the Bard's death.
Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Scribe Scroll, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon: Disabled. (The Rogue Vendor sells unlimited use trap creation kits.)
Bull's Strength (Blackguard ability): Enhanced when a Blackguard also has the Epic Fiending Servant feat; it gives an additional +3 AB and +3 damage. With 20+ Blackguard levels, the bonus is increased to +4 AB and +1d8 damage.
Craft Harper Item: Creates Greater Cat's Grace or Greater Eagle's Splendor potions; the cost has been changed to 15 XP/GP for 5 potions and the ability may be used an unlimited number of times. Greater Cat's Grace increases Dexterity by 1d3+1, Attack Bonus +1 and Armor Class +1. Greater Eagle's Splendor increases Charisma by 1d3+1, all saving throws +2 and increases Heal skill by 20%. The duration is 5 Hours.
Curse Song: Does not work for Bards below level 12 with less than 18 Perform; skill decreases above 4 are cut in half (an 8 decrease is reduced to 6); removes Bard's invisibility and Greater Sanctuary upon use. Effects removed upon the Bard's death. The Silence spell provides immunity to Curse Song.
Disable Trap, Search: Trap detect and disarm DCs have been changed, so it's possible for other PCs to find and remove enemy traps. The standard detect DC modifier has been changed to 0 and the disarm DC modifier has been reduced by the base detect DC. So, the detect DC is the trap setter's Set Trap skill plus d20, and the disarm DC is 12-15 points higher (depending on the trap).
Disarm, Improved Disarm: Weapons are returned to the owner when anyone picks it up or upon death.
Divine Shield: See Divine Favor for when it's used in combination with divine spells or Bard Song. The AC granted is lowered by 1 / 3 for a character with the Epic Fiendish Servant feat (Blackguard's enhanced Bull's STR).
Dragon Shape: The Wild Shape 6x/day prerequisite has been changed to 5x/day. True Seeing has been removed. Dexterity reduced to 10, Hide Skill lowered by 8, and Armor Class (Armor type) increased by 7. +6 Soak 40 Damage Reduction has been removed.
Epic Fiendish Servant: See Bull's Strength (Blackguard ability).
Evasion, Improved Evasion: Does not work while using Medium or Heavy Armor or Tower Shield.
Greater Rage: Instead of increasing Strength and Constitution 6 points, the increase is only 4 points. However, it provides additional bonuses of +1d2+1 Attack Bonus, +2 Damage, +2 Fortitude, +2 Discipline, +2 Concentration, and 1 HP per character level. Succeeding a difficulty check of Constitution modifier + 1d20 vs. DC 21 will halve the -2 AC penalty. The unraged Constitution modifier is tripled in the duration calculation.
Greater Wildshape, Outsider Shape, Undead Shape: True Seeing & Hide in Plain Sight have been removed from all polymorph forms.
Great Smiting: Limited to III for Good characters and VI for Evil characters.
Hide in Plain Sight: Disabled. Speak with Shady Character to level up as a Shadowdancer.
Improved Invisibility (Assassin ability): The Assassin gains +5% to his Improved Invisibility concealment at 13th level, +5% every four levels thereafter, up to a maximum of 65%. The Assassin ability is unaffected by dispel and Invisibility Purge.
Lasting Inspiration, Lingering Song: Lingering Song is applied before Lasting Inspiration, which is reduced to 4 times duration for Bard Song and 2 times duration for Curse Song (instead of 10 times).
Mighty Rage: Instead of increasing Strength and Constitution 8 points, the increase is only 2 points. However, it provides additional bonuses of +1d2+4 Attack Bonus, +4 Damage, +4 Fortitude, +4 Discipline, +4 Concentration, and 2 HP per character level. The unraged Constitution modifier is quadrupled in the duration calculation.
Pick Pocket: Skill is not allowed on BoW. Do not put points into it.
Search: See Disable Trap.
Shadow Evade: Grants the caster 25% concealment, 2/+6 DR & +1 AC. These bonuses grow +3% concealment, +1 DR & +1 AC for every 2 SD levels above level 4, and for every 3 levels above level 10. Duration changed to 40 rounds + 3 rounds / SD level. This ability is undispellable, and the bonuses cap at SD level 22.
Terrifying Rage: AB decrease is no longer blocked by fear immunity. (Lower level enemies with fear immunity will have AB decrease also.) Provides +2 AC dodge bonus (but only if characters has less than 10 Pale Master levels). DC = Skill Level - 10 + d20. Mind Immunity on enemies further lower the DC by -5.
Thundering Rage: Enhanced to give +5 Enhancement Bonus (to both main & offhand weapons) and 1d4 Sonic Damage Bonus (main hand). Ranged weapons receive +5 Attack Bonus. Additionally, the Massive Criticals property has been increased from 2d6 to 2d8.
Turn Undead: Duration changed to 2 rounds + 1/3 levels to a maximum of 20 rounds.
Use Poison: When coating a weapon with poison, the normal duration of 3 rounds is extended by 2 rounds for every 3 Assassin and/or Blackguard levels and 1 round per Intelligence modifier.

Reward Calculations
Round End Reward
Round End Reward is worth a base of 5,600.
Players score points for their teams by killing opponents. At the end of each half hour round, the reward is divided between the teams based on a ratio of the score (with the winning team getting an additional bonus). The reward is adjusted up or down depending on each teams' Power Rating (PR) throughout the round. Winning team members also receive a Healer's Kit +10.
Capture Point Reward
Capture Point Rewards are worth a base of 10,080.
Each arena map includes one to three Capture Points (CPs), which players can claim for their team. Six times each round, the time held by each team is tallied and rewards are distributed based on the ratio of times held. The lower PR team gets bonus time per CP equal to the difference between the PRs, and the rewards are again adjusted by the teams' PR. The winning team members also receive a Healer's Kit.
Kill Reward
Kill Rewards are worth a base of 10,080.
When a player kills an enemy, the base points are based on the killer's level (level 40 is 1.0 points and each level below is 15% less, approximately 0.2 for level 28), i.e., higher level players score more points. The base points are adjusted by the victim's level divided by the killer's level. If the victim is Easy compared to the teammate, the teammates' level is tripled; if Moderate, 1.5x. Effortless opponents are worth a flat 0.1 base points but only if they've scored more points than given up (otherwise, they're worth no points). (By default, Moderate is 2 or 3 levels lower, Easy is 4 or 5 levels lower, and Effortless is 6 or more levels lower.) Points are further adjusted by the Class PR Multiplier -- for example, a Sorcerer will get less points for killing a Fighter, and the Fighter will get more points for retaliating.
The Kill Rewards distributed for each kill are based on the kill points, total points, and round time elapsed. The actual killer gets double rewards.
Characters level 28-34 receive +25% XP.
Characters level 35-39 receive +50% XP.
*** Full Round Bonus Reward ***
If the same character plays the entire round, they receive a 2,000 XP/GP bonus.

Power Rating
Team Power Ratings
All rewards are adjusted based on the relative strength of each team. The Power Rating (PR) is based on the levels of the team members. 40th level equals 40.0 PR, and the PR of each level below is reduced by 15% per level.
A 40th level character is worth 40.0 PR.
A 35th level character is worth 19.9 PR.
A 30th level character is worth 9.9 PR.
Class PR Multiplier
The PR is adjusted further based on a Class PR Multiplier for the following classes and levels. If a PC has more than one such class, the higher value is used (not added) -- except for the Pale Master.
1.10 @ level 15
1.15 @ level 20
1.25 @ level 25
1.15 @ level 11
1.20 @ level 15
1.30 @ level 17
1.40 @ level 20
1.15 @ level 17
1.10 @ level 3
1.15 @ level 6
1.20 @ level 9
1.25 @ level 15
1.15 @ level 15
1.20 @ level 20
Pale Master
+0.05 @ level 10 (1.15 base for 1.00 PR chars)
+0.10 @ level 15 (1.20 base for 1.00 PR chars)
Red Dragon Disciple
1.10 @ level 10
1.15 @ level 15
1.50 @ level 18
1.15 @ level 15
1.40 @ level 17
Outsider Shape feat (Shifter): 1.25
Extra Smiting feat combined with at least Great Smiting I: 1.5
Post 40 Power Rating Calculation
A character's PR multiplier is increased as following:
+0.05 for each 200k XP earned between 800k and 1.8 million (+0.25 at max).
+0.04 for each 200k XP earned between 2 million and 2.8 million (+0.45 at max).
+0.03 for each 200k XP earned between 3 million and 3.8 million (+0.60 at max).
+0.02 for each 200k XP earned between 4 million and 4.8 million (+0.70 at max).
+0.01 for each 200k XP earned between 5 million and 5.8 million (+0.75 at max).
The bottom line is that all rewards are adjusted upward for underpowered teams and classes and downward for overpowered teams and classes.

Module Updates
1134 (7/17/08)
- Updated module to patch 1.69.
- The Purple Dragon Knight prestige class is now available.
- Added new wing and tail choices to the epic vendor. Wing choices now include backpacks, quivers and scabbards. Also added new portrait choices.
- Added new armor and weapon appearance types.
- Added new cloak appearance types including a transparent cloak that is not visible to others. If you have a custom cloakmodel.2da in your override folder, you should delete it. Even if you don't want to see any cloaks, you should use the new nwnplayer.ini Visible Cloaks setting instead.
- Hit points are now automatically maximized during level up. You no longer need help from Shady Character.
- Mounts are currently disabled. The Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery & Summon Mount feats and the Ride skill have no effect.
- The client crash due to other players coming out of stealth (that required the old animations to avoid) has been fixed.
- Using the PC Wand, you may now wipe your PC's description. You may also wipe other PC' descriptions if they are over 3,000 characters long.
- The Undeath's Eternal Foe spell AC bonus type has been changed to Dodge.
- The Amplify and War Cry spells do not require somatic components.
- The Dragon Shape feat prerequisite of Wild Shape 6x/day has been changed to 5x/day.
- The Cannonading Arms epic item has been removed now that the Rapid Reload feat provides the proper number of extra attacks. If you own one, please sell it.
- The start time to be eligible for the Full Round Bonus Reward has been increased.
- Replaced Chat Monitors in bases with module-wide chat monitoring system.
- Patch 1.69 changed some feat prerequisite, which could make previously legitimate characters invalid. If you have this problem, please report it on the guild forum at forum.bastionsofwar.com.
1133 (7/4/08)
- The XP Bank now allows withdrawals of 100,000 XP/GP for level 40 characters.
- Fixed a bug with the Silence spell's duration when used from the epic ring Mind Destroyer. It will now have a constant duration of 4 rounds (instead of 3 rounds).
- The length of the Prayer spell from the epic handaxe Forca' is now 1 turn.
- Characters may now view their character's XP Bank maximum withdrawal value by speaking to Shady Character or using the Player Wand.
- Time Stop spell scrolls may now be bought from the Wizard Library.
- Changed the bonuses for the epic heavy flail's War Cry spell-like ability to 1d2 for characters who have Epic Weapon Focus of that weapon.
- The Arch Defender epic misc may only be used while in the Arena.
- Added circumstantial text messages for the Chaotic Frenzy & And Vengeance for All epic miscs.
- Effortless kills no longer trigger or count towards Bloodfrenzy.
- Slightly lowered the points requirement for Bloodfrenzy.
- Effortless characters with 20 or more Cleric levels are now considered effy casters and yield a base of 0.2.
- The PR for characters with 17 or more Cleric levels has been raised from 1.25 to 1.30. Characters with 15 or more monk levels now have a base PR of 1.25.
- The PR for characters now increases past 3.8 mil XP, by 0.02 for every 200k XP, up to 4.8 mil XP, and further +0.01 up to 5.8 mil XP.
- Altered the following items: Bard's Eternal Legacy epic robe, Forca' epic handaxe, Ogre's Encumbering Blade epic great axe, Prideless Menace epic sickle, Black Hole Sun epic bastard sword, Arch Defender epic misc, And Vengeance for All epic misc, Mind Skiascope epic misc, Prismatic Gods Slayer epic double axe, Athena's Wrath epic great sword, Death's Righteous Hand epic rapier, Pain Reflection epic longsword, Dwarven Executioner epic battleaxe, Simplicity Incarnate epic lighthammer, Greater Flail of Fertility epic light flail, Lightbringer Illuminator epic mace, Sting of Numbness epic two bladed sword and Bat's Teeth epic whip. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Added the following epic items: Goro's Chosen epic great axe, Voice of Insight epic staff, Voice of Reason epic staff and Voice of Inspiration epic staff to the epic merchant.
- Optimized scripts.
- Internal changes.
1132b (3/17/08)
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Blackguards to maintain full AC bonus even while having the Epic Fiendish Servant feat.
1132a (2/20/08)
- Four new maps have been added to the arena rotation: Unidentified Flying Object (created by Ecthalon), When Worlds Collide (created by Rainywinter), Bizzare Bazaar (created by Ecthalon) & Frosty Falls (created by Ecthalon).
- Four maps have been removed from the module: Frozen Summit, Forsaken Mines, The Swamp & To Cross a Bridge.
- The Mad Maude's Bordello and Pub (created by Istyan the Fiend) map has been removed from the normal rotation and may now only be picked by a DM.
- The Protection from Alignment and Deathward spells may no longer stack with themselves.
- Fixed a bug with Bigby's Crushing Hand that sometimes allowed it to be removed with Restoration.
1132 (2/10/08)
- The Caster's DC for Lesser Dispel, Dispel & Greater Dispel has increased by 2.
- The Caster's DC for Mordenkainen Disjunction has changed to Caster Level - 2 (instead of full caster level).
- Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus & Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration now increase the Caster's DC for all dispel spells by +1, +2 & +4 respectively (instead of +2, +4 & +6).
- Lowered the bonus DC against dispel gained from the Arch Defender epic misc. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one for the changed description.
- Lowered the cost of the And Vengeance for All epic misc and modified it's functionality.
- Familiars and Animal Companions may no longer be healed when fed.
- Increased the rewards for Bloodfrenzy.
- The Team Kill penalty has increased to 2,000 XP/GP.
- Rewards for characters who are level 28-34 have been increased by 25%.
- All Rewards have been increased by an additional 20%.
- Increased the reward for playing the same character for the entire round to 2,000 XP/GP.
- The overall reward distribution between Kills, Capture Points and Round End Reward has changed to 40% / 40% / 20% respectively, instead of 33% each. Please see Reward Calculations for further information.
- Moved the Greater Dispel trap kit to the epic vendor. Characters below level 40 may no longer use it.
- Increased the required DC to set the Mordenkainen Disjunction trap from 45 to 60, and the Greater Dispel trap's from 25 to 50.
- The Mordenkainen Disjunction and Greater Dispel trap kits may no longer deploy trap kits for characters who haven't at least 1 level of Rogue, Ranger or Assassin.
- The Confusion Bolt ability and Inferno spell may no longer be used in the Keeper of War or base areas.
- Effortless Wizards and Sorcerers now yield 0.2 base points when killed by an "impossible".
- The Epic Ioun Stone now provides additional +15 Discipline to characters that have no class with Discipline as a Class Skill and additional +2 Dodge AC to characters that have no class with Tumble as a Class Skill.
- Modified the description of the Epic Ioun Stone. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one for the changed description.
- Added additional measurements to ensure that players may not switch from a team that has lower PR or score to the team with the higher PR or score.
- Added the ability to "unsilence" self when using the Player Wand found in the Magic Merchant.
- Internal changes.
1131b (12/17/07)
- Fixed a bug where Spell Resistance and Spell Mantle would block the Time Stop spell and Stone to Flesh would remove it.
- Fixed a bug where the victim of the OnHit: Unique Spell from the epic dire mace weapon would receive an incorrect message.
- Fixed a bug with the Hag's Aneurysm epic dwarven waraxe. It should now give the appropriate percentage to inflict Harm as per the description.
1131a (12/17/07)
- Added an extra damage type (cold) to the Epic Hellball spell.
- The Greater Ruin spell now blinds the enemy for 1d6 + 4 rounds upon failing the saving throw.
- Spell Focus: Evocation now increases the DC for the Epic Hellball and Greater Ruin spells as per the feat (+2, +4 or +6).
- The Epic Ioun Stone now provides the "Beyond Epic" bonuses at 1,000,000 XP (instead of 1,300,000 XP).
- All rewards have been increased by 15%.
- The XP bonus for characters level 35-39 has been increased to 50%.
- Updated the appearance of various NPCs.
1131 (12/17/07)
- Adjusted the Shadow Dancer's Shadow Evade ability. Please see the Journal for further information.
- The Epic Shadowlord feat no longer increases Shadow Evade's duration.
- Altered the following items: Nature's Beating Heart epic club, Hag's Aneurysm epic dwarven waraxe & Arch Defender epic misc. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Fixed a bug with several spells that allowed the use of Metamagic without the required Metamagic feat. Please be aware that exploiting this bug may result in your character being deleted.
1130a (12/13/07)
- Fixed a bug that could have disrupted the efficiency of some epic misc items when selling a different epic misc item.
- Fixed a loophole that allowed characters to use the Arch Defender epic misc, sell it and still receive the bonuses. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one for the changed description as it contains important information.
- Adjusted the difficulty of the two new custom monsters.
1130 (12/13/07)
- The full round bonus reward is only available to those in a base or the arena.
- Round end rewards are no longer decreased for short rounds (after a crash or restart).
- Lowered/modified the following classes' Power Rating: Bard, Cleric & Pale Master. Please see Power Rating for further information.
- The Dragon Shape Claw Enchantment has been increased to +6 (from +3).
- Modified the formula of the Terrifying Rage DC. Please see Skill, Feat, Class & Ability Changes Part 3 for further information.
- Moved the Mordenkainen Disjunction trap kits from the magic vendor to the epic vendor. If you have any and your level is below 40, please sell them so the rest of your kits will deploy properly.
- The AC granted from the Divine Shield ability is lowered by 1/3 if the character has the Epic Fiendish Servant feat (enhancement to a Blackguards' Bull's Strength ability).
- The Shadow Dancer's Shadow Evade ability has been modified and improved. Additionally, it is now undispellable. Please be aware that this ability might slightly change as necessary.
- Having the Epic Shadowlord feat increases the duration of the Shadow Evade ability by 50%.
- The following items have been altered: Simplicity Incarnate epic light hammer, Nature's Beating Heart epic club Greater Flail of Fertility epic light flail, Force of Life epic spear, Azure Fire epic bastard sword, The Wrath of Athena epic greatsword, Vampiric Severance of the Forbidden Cult epic kukri, Prismatic Gods Slayer epic double axe, Sting of Numbness epic two-bladed sword, Vampire Teeth of Face Withering epic dire mace, Sharpnel epic quarterstaff, Harbag's Poisonous Fingers epic scythe & Thunder Strike epic halberd. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Fixed the description of the Blackguard's Bull's Strength ability in the Journal.
- Added two new custom monsters for DM events.
- XP for characters level 35-39 has been increased by 25%.
- Fixed a bug with the Hag's Aneurysm epic waraxe On-Hit: Unique Ability. It should now properly give 20% chance to inflict harm, instead of 10%.
- Added the following epic items: Delirium epic katana, Black Hole Sun epic bastard sword & Arch Defender epic misc.
- Internal changes.
1129b (10/19/07)
- Fixed Good's Epic Merchant to properly show the Nature's Beating Heart epic club.
- The following items have been altered: Mind Skiascope epic misc, Voice of Clarity epic staff & Moose's Splendor epic helm. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Altered the description of the Epic Ioun Stone. After using this item, the character sheet is likely to display false AB. Your actual AB correctly shows on your combat log when attacking.
- Fixed the Epic Ioun Stone so that (hopefully) the inaccurate AB displayed on the character sheet phenomenon is less likely to occur.
- Internal changes.
1129 (10/19/07)
- Fixed a bug with the epic short sword's Cast Spell - Battletide and the epic heavy flail's Cast Spell - War Cry abilities that allowed longer duration. Instead, there will be static duration of 15 rounds when activated through the epic weapons. Furthermore, a character that is using these abilities through the epic weapons without the corresponding Epic Weapon Focus only receives half the bonus the spell provides.
- The Dragon Shape Claw Enchantment has been increased to +3 (from none).
- Removed the AB bonus from Dusty Rose Ioun Stone.
- Added Epic Ioun Stone that provides several bonuses for some characters above 820,000 XP.
- Lowered some of the bonuses and penalties acquired from the following epic miscellaneous items: Venomous Bloodlust & Chaotic Frenzy. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one for the changed description.
- The following items have been added to the magic merchant: Greater Rod of Ultravision & Greater Rod of See Invisibility.
- The following items have been altered: Zamir the Kind Nadiv epic ring, The Sight of Betrayal epic ring, Spider Sleepers epic boots, Greater Eagle Eyes of Doom epic helm, Greater Cloak of Protections epic cloak, The All Seeing Fists epic gauntlets, God's Superlative Justice epic scimitar, Thunder Strike epic halberd & Water Glazed Amythyst epic amulet. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Added the following epic items: Voice of Clarity epic staff, Faithful Benediction epic ring, Nature's Beating Heart epic club, Radiant Stone of Discretion epic amulet, Moose's Splendor epic helm, Darkened Maneuvers epic cloak & Prideless Menace epic sickle.
1128 (9/5/07)
- A merchant has been added to the Keeper of War area.
- The Neutral Grounds area has been removed. The door in the bases leads directly to the Keeper of War area.
- Characters are only added to parties when in a base or arena.
1127 (7/15/07)
- Two arena maps have been added back into the module: Barren Wasteland (created by Istyan the Fiend) and Shadow Desert (created by Inferno).
- The War Field map has been removed from the module.
- The formula for PR increase post level 40 has changed. Please see Power Rating for more information.
- The Venomous Bloodlust epic miscellaneous item bonuses no longer stack when killing multiple opponents. Additionally, the damage increase occurs only when killing another level 40.
- The Chaos Shield item may only be used by level 40 characters. Added a check for epic miscellaneous items as well.
1126 (7/4/07)
- Supernatural effects (such Divine Shield, Divine Might, and ability drain) and Harper Scouts' crafted potions are no longer dispellable.
- The Tempus' Blessings epic miscellaneous item now gives a DC bonus to the Time Stop and Flesh to Stone spells.
- The duration of the Epic Vest of Devastating Fortitude and the Senses Enhancer has been increased 5 turns.
- The -1 AB Divine Shield penalty to the a Blackguards' Bull's Strength ability (Epic Fiendish Servant enhancement) has been removed.
- The PR cap for the Post 40 Power Rating Calculation has been increased to from 2.8 million XP (0.50 PR) to 3.4 million XP (0.65 PR).
- The Two Forts map has been removed from the normal rotation and may now only be picked by a DM.
1125 (6/15/07)
- Added the following miscellaneous epic item: Cannonading Arms.
- The following epic item has been altered: Storms Master miscellaneous item. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one for the changed description.
- Condensed the dispel feedback message.
1124 (6/10/07)
- Two new maps have been added to the arena rotation: Citadel of Calamity (created by Ecthalon) and Drow City (created by Jade Undone).
- Added the following miscellaneous epic items: Storms Master and Tempus' Blessings.
- The following epic item have been altered: Inbal's Metal Bracelet bracers, Eye in the Sky light crossbow, and Mind Skiascope miscellaneous item. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Changed dispel spells to use a custom dispel script, since BioWare's hardcoded script functions don't allow the target's caster level to be adjusted to use character level. See Spell Changes for a full dispel explanation. The Spell Focus bonus now only applies if the target's character level is less than 6 levels higher.
- Updated dispel traps to handle new dispel functions. The base caster level for traps continues to be the target's character level.
- The enhanced concealment bonus to the Assassins' Improved Invisibility ability has been reduced by 5%. It may now only be cast on self and is not affected by dispel.
- The Epic Fiendish Servant enhancement to a Blackguards' Bull's Strength ability has been reduced by 1 AB if they also have the Divine Shield feat.
- The Spell Focus bonus to Spell Resistance now only applies to self.
- The required PR to set a new persistent MVP record has increased.
- Fixed a bug with Mighty Rage that caused the Will bonus to be halved.
- Fixed a bug that lowered the losing team's round end reward by 15% for characters who are level 29-34.
1123 (5/19/07)
- Added a new characters protection feature to Shady Character. Protected characters may not be banked, deleted or lose levels. Only the player who created the character may unprotect a character.
1122 (5/18/07)
- Added a new full round bonus reward of 1,500 XP/GP when the same character is played the entire round.
- Persistent MVPs are not set if team PRs are too low.
- The swear penalty may sell all items.
1121 (5/9/07)
- Added ability for epic characters to dye their armor, helm & cloak to new team colors.
- Added cloak appearance choices to the crafting menu.
- Added option to PC Wand to view current round stats.
- Added a feature to the PC wand to set which divine spell or bard song will operate at full power when used together.
- The duration of Divine Power is no longer halved when used with other divine spells or feats or Bard Song.
1120 (4/29/07)
- Changed cloaks to team colors. (To change the color of an existing cloak, simply drop it on the ground.)
- Added an option to the PC Wand to view the Top MVP.
- Fixed a bug with the +2 AC bonus in Terrifying Rage.
1119 (4/24/07)
- Increased Round End and Capture Point rewards by approximately 15% to match the 15% kill reward increase in version 1117.
- The weight of Healer's Kits have been increased from 0.5 to 1.5 pounds.
- Moderated some of the penalties applied by the misc epic items.
- Altered the price of the epic misc item Venomous Bloodlust. If you bought one, please sell it and buy another one.
- Fixed the Chaotic Frenzy epic misc item so eruptions should no longer be parallel, therefore prematurely canceling one another. You will now be notified when the Chaotic Frenzy is once again useable.
- Fixed a bug with the Mind Skiascope epic misc item that prevented some enchantment spells from receiving DC bonus.
- Added the following miscellaneous epic item: And Vengeance for All.
- Added exact description to some of the epic misc items.
- Terrifying Rage AB decrease is no longer blocked by fear immunity. (Lower level enemies with fear immunity will have AB decrease also.) Additionally, it will now provide +2 AC dodge bonus (but only if characters has less than 10 Pale Master levels).
- The PR modifier for the Pale Master class has been changed. Please see Power Rating for more information.
- Characters now bank 20% more XP/GP using the XP Bank (70% at level 40).
- Removed the 15% XP/GP penalty for levels 29-34. They should now get full rewards.
- Changed the explanation for dispel spells in the Journal, so (hopefully) it will be easier to understand how dispel works.
- The Grasp of the Gods map may now be used for manual 1-on-1 duels with the help of DMs.
- Implemented the Top MVP Scoreboard, which can be accessed through a scoreboard placable in each base. The Top MVP Scoreboard displays the all time best MVP.
- Assassin's Improved Invisibility is no longer purgeable. Additionally, the ability's concealment improves as the Assassin gains new levels.
- Two new maps have been added to the arena rotation: Moody Manor (created by Jade Undone) & Plaguelands (Created by Ecthalon).
- Two maps have been added back into the arena rotation: Mad Maude's Bordello and Pub (created by Istyan the Fiend) & War Field (created by Kalec Stromhir).
- Four maps have been removed from the module: Sandswept Ruins, Slimy Death, Three Islands & Shadow Desert.
- Two maps have been removed from the normal rotation and may now only be picked by a DM: Bastions Battlegrounds & Mercurial Maude's Mausoleum Madness.
- Optimized scripts.
1118 (3/5/07)
- A character's PR with both Extra Smiting feat and at least Great Smiting I feat will now increase to 1.5.
- Bard Song AC, AB and Skill bonuses are cut in half for allies. Bard Song on self & Curse Song are unaffected by this change.
- The AC Ioun Stone has been modified. It should now give +1 AB as well as the AC for Epic (820,000xp) Strength based character that have less than 10 levels of Pale Master.
- Added the following miscellaneous epic items: Mind Skiascope, Chaotic Frenzy and Venomous Bloodlust.
- Increased the AB bonus for Greater Rage from 2 to 1 + 1d2, and for Mighty Rage from 4 to 4 + 1d2.
- The following epic items have been altered: Skull Cracker warhammer, Greater Flail of Fertility light flail, Dwarven Executioner battleaxe, Ogre's Encumbering Blade greataxe, The Wrath of Athena great sword and Pain Reflection longsword. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- All rewards (except for BloodFrenzy) have been lowered by 15% for all levels from 29 to 34.
- Blackguards' Bull's Strength ability has been improved so it gives an additional bonus of +3 AB and +3 damage, if they have the Epic Fiendish Servant feat. This bonus increases to +4 AB +1d8 damage at level 20.
1117 (2/10/07)
- The Vampire Teeth of Face Withering epic dire mace has been altered. It should now properly heal the wielder. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The Channeling Disseverance epic morningstar has been altered. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The Epic Electrical, Sonic, Fire and Frost trap kits' inventory size has been reduced to 1x1. If you own a trap kit, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Added the following epic items: Death's Righteous Hand rapier & God's Superlative Justice scimitar.
- The XP/GP gain reduction from level 29 to 39 has been removed.
- All rewards have been increased by approximately 15%.
- Fixed a bug with Savage Bloodfrenzy not rewarding the frenzied character correctly.
- Optimized scripts.
- Updated module to patch 1.68.
1115 (8/7/06)
- Four maps has been added back into the arena rotation: Dark Woods (created by Jibekn), Fields of Blood (created by Jibekn), Frozen Summit (created by Deviltail) & Ruined City (created by Jibekn).
- Seven maps have been removed from the normal rotation and may now only be picked by a DM: Craggy Canyon, Eldritch Grove, Emerald City, Port Bastion, Sandswept Ruins, Slimy Death & Three Islands.
- Added the following epic item: Harbag's Self Tainted Flesh chain shirt.
- The following epic items have been altered: Bards' Eternal Legacy clothing, Greater Cloak of Protections cloak, Inbal's Metal Bracelet guantlet, The All Seeing Fists gauntlet, Ogre's Encumbering Blade greataxe, Forca' handaxe, Hag's Aneurysm dwarven waraxe, Dwarven Executioner battleaxe, Azure Fire bastard sword, The Wrath of Athena greatsword, Pain Reflection longsword, Devastating Vampiric Black Blade scimitar, Nature's Bliss rapier, The Frozen Arm of King Metale katana, Heaven's Bretheren short sword, Troll's Matchstick club, Greater Flail of Fertility light flail, Pumpkin Smasher heavy flail, Simplicity Incarnate light hammer, Skull Cracker warhammer, Channeling Disseverance morningstar, Sharpnel quarterstaff, Vampiric Severance of the Forbidden Cult kukri, Force of Life spear, Harbag's Poisonous Fingers scythe & Thunder Strike halberd. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The cost of the Epic Electrical and Epic Fire Trap Kits has been reduced.
- The Chaos Shields have been moved to the Epic Item Merchant.
- The breach spells (Lesser Spell Breach, Greater Spell Breach & Mordenkainen's Disjunction) have again been changed so they do not remove the Spell Resistance spell.
- The Craft Harper Item ability now creates 5 potions at a time.
- The Delayed Blast Fireball spell has been changed so only enemies will trigger it.
- The Greater Sanctuary spell has been changed to lower the Heal skill.
- The spells Mage Armor and Shadow Conjuration Mage Armor no longer stack.
- Removed PC Wand option to port to other server while in arena.
- Fixed a bug where a single map (currently Maude's Hunting Preserve) would never be randomly selected.
- Internal changes.
1114 (8/7/06)
- Changed the Glyph of Warding spell so only enemies will trigger it.
- Fixed an exploit that stopped the leech script from booting mages possessing a familiar.
1113 (5/7/06)
- Wings and tails are now removed from new characters.
- The epic merchant can now perform plastic surgery (change wings, tail or portrait).
- Added the trident weapon to the Blacksmith crafting system.
- Customized the name of crafted items.
- Changed how polymorph temporary hit points are applied to help avoid a server crash bug. Temp HP will only be applied if character is at full HP.
- Fixed the script that disallowed polymorphed characters from casting spells. They can now use On Hit items and class spell-like abilities.
- Internal changes.
1112 (4/30/06)
- Fixed a bug with the nwscript function GetIsSkillSuccessful() in patch 1.67, which caused skill checks to always fail.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed polymorphed characters to cast class spells.
- Rakshasas (Outsider Shape) may no longer cast dispel on creatures (only the ground).
1111 (4/30/06)
- Updated module to patch 1.67.
- Internal changes.
1110 (4/15/06)
- The Class PR Multiplier has changed for many classes. See Power Rating for details.
- A new arena map has been added: Maude's Hunting Preserve (created by Istyan the Fiend). Should we keep it? Express your opinion at forum.bastionsofwar.com!
- Barbarian Rage, Greater Rage and Mighty Rage have been removed from the divine nerf (when used with Divine Favor, Divine Power, Divine Shield or Bard Song).
- When entering a team base, the PC is forced to rest and temporary item properties (such as Greater Magic Weapon) are removed.
- The change to the duration of the Darkfire, Flame Weapon, Greater Magic Weapon and Keen Edge spells has been removed.
- The Use Magic Device skill has been removed from the item crafting system.
- Polymorphed characters may only use the familiar/animal companion ability to unshift if they have more than 250 hit points.
- Fixed a bug with the Post 40 Power Rating Calculation not being capped at 2.8 million XP.
1109 (2/11/06)
- A new arena map has been added: Eldritch Grove (created by sundragonZ). Should we keep it? Express your opinion at forum.bastionsofwar.com!
- Maps are eligible for voting again after 10 rounds (increased from 6) and now require a minimum of 3 votes (instead of 2).
- The Lightbringer Illuminator epic mace and Bat's Teeth epic whip have been altered. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The maximum XP Bank withdrawal amount has been raised from 800,000 to 1,000,000 (but you may still withdraw more if you previously banked a higher amount with the same character).
- The Pale Master class has a Class PR Multiplier of 125% at level 10.
- The Post 40 Power Rating Calculation (0.05 for each 200k XP earned beyond 800k) has been capped at 2.8 million (maximum increase 0.5 PR).
- The change to the spells Lesser Spell Breach, Greater Spell Breach and Mordenkainen's Disjunction have been reverted; they now remove Spell Resistance again.
- Added Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjunction, and Shades scrolls to the Wizard Library.
- Added auto follow option to the PC Wand.
1108 (12/22/05)
- A new arena map has been added: Three Islands (created by luuser1234). Should we keep it? Express your opinion at forum.bastionsofwar.com!
1107 (12/22/05)
- Added DM-run Capture the Flag system.
1106 (12/3/05)
- The server Internet connection has been upgraded, which should mean less lag for the players. Thank you to those who have donated to paypal.bastionsofwar.com.
- Added a BoW Player Wand to the Magic Item merchant. It replaces the Pocket Player Telescope and includes additional functions.
- The Lightbringer Illuminator epic mace has been altered. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The Aura versus Alignment spell has been changed, so that only one instance of Holy Aura or Unholy Aura may be active at a time. However, each provides immunity to mind-affecting spells for both alignments.
- Fixed a bug where test and Call of War characters could be paid rewards while transitioning.
1105 (11/25/05)
- Added some Call of War tournament enhancements.
- Changing alignment now dyes armor to the correct color instead of destroying it.
1104 (11/25/05)
- Added Call of War tournament capabilities.
- The number of points needed to achieve a BloodFrenzy has been lowered.
1103 (11/20/05)
- BoW Contests! Win XP & custom skins! Call of War tournaments are coming Nov. 25 & 26. Screenshot contest active now. Best Character Build contest is always going. See forum.bastionsofwar.com for details.
- If you are registered for Call of War, you may make your tournament character in advance by creating a new character with [call] in the name.
- Added a personal statistics message for each player at round end.
- Added a Pocket Player Telescope to the Magic Item merchant.
- The Senses Enhancer item has been changed so instead of not working at all with the Amplify or Clairvoyance/Clairaudience spells, it now simply deducts those spells' bonuses.
- Removed spell failure feature when equipping or unequipping an item.
- Enhanced DM tools.
1102 (11/11/05)
- Fixed a bug with effortless kill points.
- Added an indicator to the Player Telescope if an Effortless opponent is currently worth points.
1101 (11/11/05)
- The BoW guild ring has been changed to a miscellaneous item. If you'd like to replace an old one, you may drop it and get a new one from Shady Character (see forum.bastionsofwar.com for the secret code). Receiving a guild ring now immediately provides the 1% gold bonus -- even if you're already level 40.
- Effortless kills are now worth 0.1 base points but only if the victim has scored more points than given up.
- The Power Rating adjustment has been slightly decreased. For all points and rewards, underpowered teams receive less of a bonus, and overpowered teams receive less of a penalty.
- The Class PR Multiplier for Sorcerers and Wizards has been lowered.
- The Greater Sanctuary spell has been changed to shorten the duration to 2 rounds + 1 round per 3 levels, and it now provides an attack and damage penalty.
- The team kill penalty now removes any AOE spells cast by the team killer.
- The Ammo Creator only creates one stack of throwing axes at a time. Other types still produce five stacks.
- Fixed a bug where a disarmed epic item could result in losing all buffs.
- To prevent an exploit, equipping or unequipping an item in combat will results in spell failure for a half round.
- To prevent an exploit, deleveling a divine spellcaster will result in all items sold if they possess a bonus spell slot item.
1100 (9/25/05)
- A new arena map has been added: Silent Temple (created by trulez). Should we keep it? Express your opinion at forum.bastionsofwar.com!
- A map has been added back into the arena rotation: Bloody Streets (created by Istyan the Fiend).
- Two maps have been removed from the normal rotation and may now only be picked by a DM: Fields of Blood and Frozen Summit.
- A map has been removed from the module: Catacombs.
- Added the following epic items: Troll's Matchstick club, Greater Flail of Fertility light flail, Simplicity Incarnate light hammer, Lightbringer Illuminator mace, Channeling Disseverance morningstar, Sharpnel quarterstaff, Vampire Teeth of Face Withering dire mace, Force of Life spear, Ballista of Mightiness heavy crossbow, and Eye in the Sky light crossbow. Thank you to Arienne for helping design them.
- The following epic items have been altered: Ogre's Encumbering Blade greataxe, Azure Fire bastard sword, The Wrath of Athena greatsword, The Frozen Arm of King Metale katana, Sting of Numbness two-bladed sword, and Radical Suffer shortbow. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The craftable Damage Bonus has been doubled for bolts.
- Effects from Bard Song and Curse Song are removed upon the Bard's death.
- The Greater Sanctuary spell has been changed so the spell failure duration is 5 - 12 seconds (when casting a spell).
- The duration of the True Seeing provided by a contested Capture Point has been increased to 5 - 12 seconds.
- Due to performance issues, MVP winners no longer receive a 5% round end reward bonus.
- Fixed an obscure bug that could incorrectly twink a character if Shady Character reimburses missing gold before a disarmed item is returned.
1099 (9/2/05)
- A new arena map has been added on a trial basis: Sandswept Ruins (created by Ecthalon). Should we keep it? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Barren Wasteland map has been removed from the module.The order of the map vote list has been returned to alphabetic.
1098 (7/2/05)
- Removed server switch restriction due to increased lag.
1097 (7/2/05)
- Players may no longer switch servers during the arena round.
- Bard Song has changed so it only works on self outside the arena map.
- Fixed an exploit with the Senses Enhancer item.
1096 (6/18/05)
- Fixed an invalid character issue with Shadowdancers introduced with patch 1.66.
- A new arena map has been added on a trial basis: Emerald City (created by Ecthalon). Should we keep it? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Dungeon of Doom map has been removed from the module.
- Fixed a bug with BoW Class Properties and full inventories.
- Fixed a bug with the spell Implosion where the caster wasn't getting a save if they had death immunity.
1095 (6/17/05)
- Adapted module to patch 1.66, which includes many fixes and changes.
- The Phantasmal Killer and Weird spells have been reverted to their default behavior (which was changed with patch 1.66).
- The restriction on switching to a character on the other team has been tightened up. It is now only allowed if scores are within 3.0 points but is always allowed during the first 5 minutes (previously 10) of the arena round.
1094 (6/11/05)
- A new arena map has been added on a trial basis: Dungeon of Doom (created by SpontaneousCharacterChanger). Should we keep it? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- Four arena maps have been added back into the module: Farmland (created by Entreri), Port Bastion (created by Hakanubis), Barren Wasteland and Mercurial Maude's Mausoleum Madness (both created by Istyan the Fiend). Further, one map has been added back into the arena rotation: Slimy Death (created by Lightning Striker).
- Five maps have been removed from the normal rotation and may now only be picked by a DM: Bloody Streets, Catacombs, Mad Maude's Bordello and Pub, Ruined City and War Field.
- Four maps have been removed from the module: Death Pit (original), Forbidden Temple, Layer 666, and Weathered Woods.
- The Power Rating adjustment has been increased. For all points and rewards, underpowered teams receive more of a bonus, and overpowered teams receive more of a penalty.
- The Capture Point bonus time for the underpowered team has been changed to remove the extra 50% for the first CP.
- Effortless spellcasters are no longer worth 0.1 or 0.2 base points.
- Removed spawn invulnerability to avoid some exploits. Etherealness is still provided.
- Fixed the Undeath's Eternal Foe spell so it won't stack even if cast by two different Clerics.
- Fixed bugs with the Undeath to Death spell (hopefully).
1093 (5/14/05)
- A major change to kill rewards has been made. Instead of the base points for all kills being 1.0, it is now based on the killer's level -- level 40 is 1.0 points and each level below is 15% less, approximately 0.2 for level 28. In a nutshell, higher level players now score more points than lower level players.
- New character names may not be longer than 36 characters.
- Fixed a bug with the Senses Enhancer (for builds with Listen only).
- The twink check is no longer performed on test characters.
- Fixed a rare twink bug that occurs when crafting with a full inventory.
- Fixed a twink bug related to the Ammo Creator and items being automatically sold.
- Fixed an exploit related to purchasing more than one Ammo Creator.
- Fixed a bug with the Cleric Protection domain special ability Divine Protection.
1092 (4/16/05)
- Internal changes.
1091 (4/16/05)
- Added another fix to server synchronization. (Third times a charm?)
- The automatic map vote no longer appears if you've already voted.
1090 (4/16/05)
- The start of each arena round is now synchronized to the half hour. This means the first round after a restart will most likely be shortened.
1089 (4/4/05)
- Implemented a system to synchronize the arena rounds. The first round after a restart may be shortened to match the other server.
- Added ability to change the color of weapons.
- MVP winners now receive a 5% round end reward bonus.
- MVP stats are no longer cleared when logging out in the middle of a round, only at the start of rounds.
- Removed many custom items that can now be crafted.
- The automatic map vote no longer interrupts other conversations (like crafting).
- Fixed a bug with crafting the On Hit Level Drain item property.
- Improved detection of confusion, so the caster will more often receive the kill.
- Fixed a bug with Curse Song so a Bard isn't immune from other Bards' songs.
- Fixed a bug with spell Wail of the Banshee which caused a player to make two saves.
- Three arena maps have been added to the permanent rotation: Layer 666 (created by Inquis), Tundra Skirmish (created by Abby_), and Village Pillage (created by Ecthalon). The order of the map vote list has been changed to reverse popularity.
- An Italian translation of the Journal is available at www.bastionsofwar.com/journal_ita.html. (Per la traduzione completa del diario in italiano, www.bastionsofwar.com/journal_ita.html.) Thank you to Arfra for translating.
- The secret code for the Guild Ring has changed. As always, it's available on the guild forum.
1088 (3/26/05)
- Implemented a new item crafting system. The number of item property combinations is greatly expanded. See the new Items journal section for details.
- Old ammunition and throwing weapon kits have been discontinued. If you own one, please sell it and see the Blacksmith to craft a new one.
- The following epic items have been altered: The Sound of Void longbow, Radical Suffer shortbow, Devastating Vampiric Black Blade scimitar, and The Ancient Evergreen's Magical Wraps robes. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The Senses Enhancer item has been empowered.
- The Barbarian Rage, Bard Song, Divine Shield, and Divine Might feats are changed so instead of having no affect if previous instance hasn't expired, it will remove previous instance and start a new one.
- Use of Curse Song removes Greater Sanctuary.
- Fixed a bug with the Invisibility Purge spell so it removes Assassin Improved Invisibility concealment.
- The "Most Points Earned Per Points Given" round end MVP has been changed to include a minimum of 1.0 points given, e.g., even if you don't die once the entire round, the formula will be calculated as if you died for 1.0 points.
1087 (3/8/05)
- The Craft Harper Item ability has changed and an exploit has been fixed. See Ability Changes for details.
- Dragon Shape claw damage has been restored to 2d8.
1086 (2/28/05)
- A new Forest Training area -- outside the Test Tent -- has been added. It includes a few combat dummies to help test character builds. You can create a test character by making a new character with [test] in the name.
- Capture Point activity is now announced on the shout channel.
- A new category has been added to the round end MVP stats: Most Points Earned Per Points Given.
- The PR increase for post 40 level characters has been lowered to 0.05 per 200,000 XP from 0.07.
- The following epic items have been altered: Harbag's Poisonous Fingers scythe, The All Seeing Fists gloves, and Bards' Eternal Legacy heavy armor. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- The potions created by the Craft Harper Item ability have changed. The cost is now 5 XP/GP, and the ability may be used an unlimited number of times. The Greater Cat's Grace potion increases Dexterity by 1d3+1, Attack Bonus +2 and Armor Class +1. The Greater Eagle's Splendor potion increases Charisma by 1d3+1, all saving throws +2 and increases Heal skill by 25%. The duration is 5 Hours and is not dispellable.
- The Divine Favor spell is changed so it is removed when Divine Power or Rage is used.
- Fixed a bug with dispel (hopefully).
1085 (2/21/05)
- Three new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Layer 666 (created by Inquis), Tundra Skirmish (created by Abby_) and Village Pillage (created by Ecthalon). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- Four maps have been removed from the module: Mad Maude's Water Treatment Facility, Mercurial Maude's Mausoleum Madness, Port Bastion and Prison Riot.
- Maps are eligible for voting again after six rounds.
- Changed NPCs so they may not be attacked. Attacking other objects will results in 60 second paralyze.
- The tiered reward distribution has been changed so levels 28 through 34 receive less and levels 35 through 39 receive more. See Reward Calculation for details.
- The XP Bank has been changed so the amount deposited for characters below level 40 is increased.
- The Class Power Rating Multiplier has been reduced for Sorcerers (2.0 to 1.8) and Wizards (1.75 to 1.6).
- The following items have been added to the magic merchant: Greater Rod of Lesser Restoration, Greater Rod of Mage Armor, Greater Rod of Protection from Alignment, Greater Rod of Restoration, and Greater Scabbard of Blessing.
- The following items have been altered: Dwarven Executioner epic battleaxe, Devastating Vampiric Black Blade epic scimitar, and Scales of Truth heavy armor. If you own one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- When coating a weapon with poison, the duration has been increased by 2 rounds for every 3 Assassin and/or Blackguard levels and 1 round per Intelligence modifier.
- The damage of the Mestil's Acid Sheath spell has been lowered to 1d6 points + 1.25 points per caster level.
- The spells Elemental Shield, Epic Warding, and Mestil's Acid Sheath are weakened when combined and further weakened for high AC mages. The Tumble threshold for "high AC mages" has been lowered to 20 points. See Spell Changes for details.
- Dispel has been changed once again. The caster level is only adjusted if the target can cast level 4 spells. This means that for some low level spellcasters, spells cast from rods will be harder to dispel than their own.
- The Holy Sword spell has been changed to remove the Dispel Magic item property.
- The spell Mass Charm has been changed to remove the hit dice restriction, so an unlimited number of creatures may be affected.
- The spell Dominate Monster has been changed to increase the maximum duration cap.
- The Turn Undead ability has been changed so its duration is shortened just like disabling spells.
- The Control Undead spell has been changed to turn undead instead of control (domination).
- The Shadow Evade ability has been changed to not stack with itself.
- Bard Song is changed so it only is included in the divine nerf when it's level 12 or higher.
- The Set Trap DC for the Mordenkainen's Disjunction Trap Kit has been raised to 50.
- Added additional checks for inappropriate names.
- Optimized some scripts.
1084 (1/1/05)
- Trap detect and disarm DCs have been changed, so it's possible for other PCs to find and remove enemy traps. The standard detect DC modifier has been changed to 0 and the disarm DC modifier has been reduced by the base detect DC. So, the detect DC is the trap setter's Set Trap skill plus d20, and the disarm DC is 12-15 points higher (depending on the trap).
- The Great Smiting feats are now limited to Great Smiting III for Good characters and Great Smiting VI for Evil characters. If you already exceed that limit, please speak to the Keeper of War, so you may deposit all your XP in your XP Bank account and relevel or make a new character.
- Re-added the spell changes to avoid the Ultravision blindness bug, since patch 1.65 did not fix it as BioWare claimed.
- Dispel has been altered yet again. See Spell Changes.
- Dispel traps have been fixed to match the spells.
- Added feedback to Bigby spells so caster can see the DC.
- Made improvements to some party scripts.
1083 (12/17/04)
- Adapted module to patch 1.65, which includes many fixes and changes.
- Altered the dispel spells to account for the effect DC fix in patch 1.65. See Spell Changes for details.
- Added server number and map to the scoreboard.
1082 (12/4/04)
- Fixed a bug with the Bard, Cleric & Druid dispel caster level cap.
- Fixed a bug whereby reused retired characters could lose heal kits and gifts and their higher XP Bank withdrawal limit.
- Fixed a bug whereby Ice Storm could be cast with metamagic via an exploit.
1081 (12/2/04)
- The starting level has been increased to level 28 (400,000 XP).
- Rewards rates are now adjusted based on level. See Reward Calculations for details.
- The XP Bank values are changed to reflect the new start level and rewards. See the F.A.Q. for details.
- Both servers share the same level range (28-40).
- The duration maximum on the spells Greater Magic Weapon, Flame Weapon, Keen Edge, and Darkfire has been doubled to 30 turns. The duration maximum has been removed from the spells Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment.
- Revamped DM tools.
- Internal changes.
1080 (11/26/04)
- The Shadowdancer class has been enabled, but the first level class feat Hide in Plain Sight has been removed. In order to level up as a Shadowdancer, you must speak with Shady Character and follow the instructions. Thank you to Abby_ for the server character file editing scripts.
1079 (11/24/04)
- The feats Barbarian Rage, Greater Rage and Mighty Rage have been altered. See Skill, Feat, Class & Ability Changes for details. The feats have also been weakened when used in combination with Divine Favor, Divine Power, Divine Shield, or Bard Song (and vice versa).
- The Thundering Rage feat has been enhanced to give +5 Enhancement Bonus (to both main & offhand weapons) and 1d4 Sonic Damage Bonus (main hand). Ranged weapons receive +5 Attack Bonus. Additionally, the Massive Criticals property has been increased from 2d6 to 2d8.
- The Lesser Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic and Greater Dispel Magic spells have been changed for Bards, Cleric & Druids. Instead of the caster's caster level being based on a percentage, it is caster level - 15 (Lesser Dispel), caster level - 10 (Dispel Magic) or caster level - 5 (Greater Dispel).
- The spell Spell Resistance has been changed so that Spell Focus (Abjuration) provides bonuses. Spell Focus provides +1 SR, Greater Spell Focus +2 and Epic Spell Focus +4.
- The spells Lesser Spell Breach, Greater Spell Breach and Mordenkainen's Disjunction have been changed to remove Spell Resistance from the list of breachable spells.
- The Phantasmal Killer spell has been changed to add a damage maximum of 10 per 4 caster levels.
- The Weird spell has been changed to add a damage maximum of 20 per 4 caster levels.
- Changed the spell Greater Thunderclap, so it operates as per its default behavior. It is no longer blocked by mantles or immunities.
- Changed the XP bank, so that a character may withdraw when they have more than 800,000 XP if they previously banked a higher amount, e.g., if a character with 900,000 XP banks, they may then withdraw back up to 900,000.
- Added Cloak of Clairaudience to the clothing vendor.
- Characters now rest after joining the server to prevent an exploit.
- The creature item for the Pale Master & Red Dragon Disciple nerf is now always recreated to prevent an exploit.
- When changing alignment, all equipment is sold to prevent an exploit.
- Added a DM tool.
1078 (11/15/04)
- Added a new feature to Shady Character to maximize character Hit Points. Thank you to Abby_ for the server character file editing scripts.
- Altered the Darkness, True Seeing, and Ultravision spells to (hopefully) avoid the Ultravision blindness bug. True Seeing and Ultravision are dispellable again.
- Fixed Senses Enhancer item, so it requires a minimum of 25 Listen or Spot. It now matches the item description.
- Changed the ammunition and throwing weapon kits to create five stacks at a time.
- Updated epic trap kit descriptions with patch 1.64 DC changes.
- Fixed a bug with the Bless spell; it wasn't working when cast on the ground.
- Fixed a bug where test characters were not given the Red Dragon Disciple and Pale Master class nerf (AC and other decreases) when re-entering the server.
- Removed the restriction of level 29 characters not being allowed to lose a level.
- Maps are now eligible for voting again after five rounds.
- Added a note to the Server Rules that character descriptions may not be longer than a few paragraphs.
- Internal changes.
1077 (10/21/04)
- Fixed a bug with messages when using a Healer's Kit.
- Fixed bugs with dispel traps (hopefully).
1076 (10/19/04)
- Added Senses Enhancer item, which provides bonuses to detect skills, to the Magic Item Vendor.
- Added MVP stats to the end of each round.
- Added Healer's Kit Bin to each base, so unwanted kits may be donated to teammates.
- Effortless arcane spellcasters are now worth 0.2 base points. Effortless divine spellcasters are still worth 0.1.
- The Phantasmal Killer and Weird spells have been changed again. They now operate as per normal except that the damage for making the Fortitude save has increased. See Spell Changes for details.
- When polymorphed characters use the familiar/animal companion feats, the feat is always returned even if the unpolymorph was unsuccessful because they had less than 150 hit points.
- Individual character saves have been spread out over several seconds due to a problem introduced with patch 1.64.
- Fixed a bug with the Divine Power spell nerf introduced with patch 1.64.
- Fixed bugs with Electrical, Fire, and Sonic traps introduced with patch 1.64.
1075 (10/14/04)
- The Devastating Critical and Dragon Shape feats are no longer allowed on the low level server.
- All XP/GP rewards have been increased 30%.
- The swearing penalty has been doubled.
- The polymorph restrictions have been reintroduced, because patch 1.64 did not fix the server crash bug. You may only unpolymorph by using the familiar/animal companion ability if you have more than 150 hit points.
- Polymorphed characters are not automatically saved due to a bug that can duplicate item properties. Characters are unpolymorphed at round end.
- Changed dispel spells to use BioWare's hardcoded script functions instead of our extremely resource intensive custom dispel script. Luckily, BioWare's dispel fix in patch 1.64 includes a bug that uses the target's character level instead of the correct caster level for the effect DC, which is our preference for balancing reasons.
- Updated dispel traps to handle new dispel functions.
- Fixed a bug where alignment-based mind spell immunity would negate saving throw for the Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell.
- Made some minor internal changes due to server crashing GetHasSpell() bug introduced with patch 1.64.
1074 (10/11/04)
- Adapted module to patch 1.64, which includes many fixes and changes.
- Maps are eligible for voting again after four rounds.
- The restrictions on polymorph/shifting/wildshape have been removed.
- The Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration, and Shades spells have been enabled, but they may not be cast from items due to their use to increase prices.
- The Vine Mine: Entangle spell has been enabled.
- Fixed bugs in Bigby's Crushing Hand and Bigby's Grasping Hand spells related to paralyze and immunity.
- The Phantasmal Killer and Weird spells have been changed. Failing Will save results in death; otherwise, if target fails Fortitude save, they take 3d6 damage. Immunity to death spells block all effects.
- Dragon Shape +6 Soak 40 Damage Reduction and claw Enhancement Bonus +6 have been removed. Claw damage reduced from 2d8 to 2d6.
NWCon 2.5 (9/24/04)
- Created temporary tournament module.
1073 (9/23/04)
- Fixed some bugs introduced with version 1072.
- Fixed Darkness spell so Statue of Lathander will work.
- Returned Light Cult Robes to armor vendor (accidently removed).
- Improved some journal language.
- Improved some DM tools.
1072 (9/21/04)
- Please visit our new web site at www.bastionsofwar.com. It includes a wealth of information including the entire in-game journal (in an easier-to-read format) and a gallery of arena maps.
- Two new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Weathered Woods (created by Ecthalon) and Maude's Water Treatment Facility (created by Istyan the Fiend). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- Three arena maps have been added to the permanent rotation: Catacombs and Forbidden Temple (both created by Ecthalon) and Maze (created by Hakanubis).
- Three arena maps have been added back into the arena rotation: Death Pit 2 (created by Jibekn & Istyan the Fiend), Firefight (created by Jibekn) & Temple of the Winds (created by Kragus Wyrmslayer).
- Two maps have been removed from the normal rotation and may now only be picked by a DM: Mercurial Maude's Mausoleum Madness & Prison Riot! (both created by Istyan the Fiend). Additionally, the Death Pit map (created by Jibekn) has been re-added to the module but may only be picked by a DM.
- The map vote conversation is now automatically started with each character in base before each round.
- Effortless spellcasters are now worth 0.1 base points. Spellcasters are considered the following classes: Sorcerer (15), Wizard (15), Cleric (16) & Druid (14).
- The PR increase for post 40 level characters has been raised to 7% per 200,000 XP from 5%.
- The Player Telescope now lists the PC using it (so you can learn your exact PR).
- Powerleveling -- saving up XP and not leveling -- is once again not permitted. You will lose excess XP/GP beyond your new level when you level up.
- Level 29 characters are no longer allowed to delevel. They must wait for level 30 to remove a level.
- Added Epic Vest of Devastating Fortitude to Magic Item Vendor.
- Fixed bugs with Ogre's Encumbering Blade greataxe and Azure Fire bastard sword, and altered the following items: Devastating Vampiric Black Blade scimitar, Vest of Devastating Fortitude and Gargantuan Red Dragon Sleepers boots. If you purchased one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- For high AC mages, the Epic Warding spell is changed if cast after Acid Sheath or Elemental Shield: the amount of damage absorbed per hit and the total damage absorbed before collapsing is halved. If Epic Warding is cast before Acid Sheath or Elemental Shield, each spells' damage is reduced 33% and 25% respectively. A "high AC mage" is defined as one with the Armor Skin epic feat, Epic Mage Armor spell or more than 30 points in the Tumble skill.
- Epic items have been added to the Merchant in The Tent for test characters.
- If you find a creature hide called BoW Class Properties in your inventory, please drop it to the ground, and it will disappear. The item is used to apply effects to certain classes and should be equipped in an invisible inventory slot, but it sometimes winds up in inventory.
- Changed the Unholy Aura spell to inflict divine damage instead of negative (just like Holy Aura).
- Changed the Prismatic Spray spell back to having a Will saving throw for the death effect instead of Fortitude.
- The Darkness spell may not be cast outside the arena.
- Made changes to DM's XP Bank Deposit Wand.
- "The Legend" has been removed from the journal. You can read it at www.bastionsofwar.com if you ever miss it.
1071 (8/12/04)
- Level 30-32 characters receive an XP/GP bonus like levels 19-21. (40% bonus for level 30, 30% for 31, and 20% for 32.)
- The PR increase for epic levels has been raised to 5% per 200,000 XP from 4%.
- Characters may no longer own more than one Vest of Devastating Fortitude. If you had extras, please ask Shady Character to reimburse your gold.
- Added the following weapons to the epic vendor: Blazing Rock Blaster dagger, Thunder Strike halberd, and Pumpkin Smasher heavy flail.
- Altered the following epic items: Ogre's Encumbering Blade greataxe, The Sound of Void longbow, Gargantuan Red Dragon Sleepers boots, Pain Reflection longsword, Azure Fire bastard sword, Forca' handaxe, Nature's Bliss rapier, The Frozen Arm of King Metale katana, The Wrath of Athena great sword, and Hag's Aneurysm dwarven waraxe. If you purchased one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- All buffs are removed when selling an epic item to avoid an exploit.
- Characters may now own duplicate epic items and their appearance may be changed via crafting.
- Fixed a bug with "pure class" bonus gold that gave some characters extra gold. Thanks to Merin_UK for identifying it.
- Fixed a bug with the Vest of Devastating Fortitude, so restoration spells don't remove it.
- Fixed a bug with the Battletide spell when cast from an item (specifically Heaven's Bretheren shortsword): it doesn't create AOE, only provides +2 AB, +2 damage, and +2 saving throws.
- Fixed some text in conversations and popup messages.
- Shady Character's delevel option only works above the starting level (use redo level instead).
- Optimized some scripts.
1070 (7/25/04)
- Fixed a bug with Harbag's Poisonous Fingers epic scythe. If you purchased one, please sell it and have Shady Character reimburse your missing gold.
- Altered the following epic items: Heaven's Bretheren short sword, Vampiric Severance of the Forbidden Cult kukri, and Nature's Bliss rapier. If you purchased one, please sell it and buy a new one.
- Fixed a bug with the restoration spells that caused it not to work in some cases (most notably with Curse Song).
- Fixed names of the creators of the new maps in 1069.
- Fixed a few other minor bugs introduced with 1069. (Mostly Alec's fault; good job, Rainy!)
1069 (7/25/04)
- An improved version of the legendary BloodFrenzy has been reinstated!
- The starting level has been increased to level 19 (180,000 XP).
- The normal server level ranges have been changed from: 15-25 Lowbie to 19-29 Lowbie and from 15-40 Highbie to 19-40 Highbie.
- All rewards are now increase by 10%.
- As the character gains more experience beyond level 40, his PR multiplier grows. Please see "Power Rating" for further explanation.
- Removed the rewards adjustment that was based upon the level of the character. (Rewards calculation is no longer Reward * 30 / Character Level. See Reward Calculations for further information about lower levels).
- The Bank may only be used from level 22 (231,000 XP/GP) and the rate was changed to be 50% at all levels (please see Shady character for further information).
- You may now withdraw XP/GP from your bank balance up to 800,000 XP/GP.
- Characters with more than 870,000 XP/GP may now use the bank to deposit a set amount of XP/GP without retiring their characters.
- Added a delevel option. Using this option takes enough experience so your character is left with 1 XP/GP before your current level. To use this feature see Shady Character.
- A new Epic Custom Item store has been created.
- More than 40 new epic items have been added to the Epic Custom Items store (almost each one of those items has a nice unique description attached, just in case you're bored ;) ).
- Each character my possess up to *one* copy of each epic unique item (which means you can have, for example, one Gargantuan Red Dragon Sleepers and one Spider Sleepers, but can't have two Spider Sleepers) . Buying the same epic item twice will result in the loss of gold. However, if you accidentally did purchase another copy of the same epic item please ask Shady Character to reimburse your lost gold.
- Three new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Catacombs and Forbidden Temple (both created by Ecthalon) and Maze (created by Hakanubis). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- Two maps have been removed from the normal rotation and may now be picked only by a DM: Labyrinth and Dark Woods. Nine maps have been removed from the module: Barren Wasteland, Bitter Enemies, Desert of Decay, High Peak, Farmland, Necropolis, Return to Dungeon of Decay, Underworld and Ruins of Celestria.
- A new Inn of War has been implemented.
- The Pale Master class has been changed so they "gain" -2 AC upon reaching level 8.
- The Red Dragon Disciple class has been changed so they "gain" -25% Cold Vulnerability, -2 Discipline and -2 AC upon reaching level 10. The penalties are cumulative, which means that a character who is 8 PM and 10 RDD gets both of the penalties.
- Searing Light spell and Divine Might are now unnerfed (Searing Light is back to a non-savable condition and Divine Might stacks with other spells/abilities without penalty).
- The Silence spell provides immunity against Curse Song.
- Bigby's Interposing Hand is changed so it decreases the targets AB by 2d4+1 instead of flat 10.
- When casting the spell Ice Storm as Rakshasa form, the caster level is calculated as follows: (Shifter level + Druid level) / 2 + 3
- Camouflage and Mass Camouflage spells are now giving a bonus of +5 to Hide each, instead of +10.
- Magic Vestment has no effect when casting it on Chaos Shield.
- Disabled the spell Vine Mine: Entangle due to a bug exploit.
- Fixed a bug with Bless spell (wasn't centered on target).
- Vest of Devastating Fortitude and Ioun Stones are now undispellable.
- Fixed a bug with the Vest of Devastating Fortitude (it should no longer be canceled by lesser or greater restore). Fixed an exploit that allowed it to stack.
- Hail of Arrows, Seeker Arrow and Imbued Arrow should no longer bypass DR that is x/-.
- Upon entering the server, polymorphed characters are now unpolymorphed.
- Polymorphed Characters may now unpolymorph using the familiar/animal companion feats if they have more than 150 hit points left.
- A bug has been fixed so that merchants can go back to their places even after moved.
- Optimized random portal script (should be no different).
- [DM] Rainywinter is now the Module Administrator. [DM] Lord Alexander is still the Server Host.
1068 (5/16/04)
- Due to a bug that can crash the server, polymorph may no longer be canceled, and shifting between forms is disabled. If you'd like to see it fixed, please send a detailed bug report to nwbugs@bioware.com.
- In order to avoid the same bug, polymorphed characters are no longer saved during the automatic character saves every 10 minutes. The option to opt out of saves is removed. All characters are saved at round end.
- You can no longer cast invisibility if Invisibility Purge is in effect.
- Removed more unused items. Removed all Spell Resistance items.
- Fixed a bug with crafting a Light Hammer.
- Fixed a bug with changing the appearance of an armor's torso.
- The module will automatically reload every 12 hours.
1067 (4/27/04)
- The Divine Power spell is changed to never provide an extra attack per round.
- Added the server level range to the scoreboard (Crafting Skills from radial menu). The scoreboard is only updated every 30 seconds.
- Made yet more item crafting system tweaks.
- Changed how conversations work to avoid busy and broken NPCs.
- Changed the leeching script so that it removes immobilization effects during the leech warning.
- Fixed a bug with Ball Lightning. Now it should REALLY have a Reflex save.
- Fixed a bug with the Ice Storm spell -- hopefully for real this time.
1066 (4/23/04)
- Added ability to change the appearance of items.
- Made further refinements to the crafting system. Item blanks are no longer needed.
- Added the ability to change the elemental damage type of Ammo and Throwing Weapons of Power.
- Added several items with detection skill bonuses. Thank you to BABE420 for creating the items.
- Made a few more item tweaks.
- Added a dynamic adjustment to the level range on the high level server. When the server is crowded, the minimum level will gradually increase.
- Fixed a bug with the Ice Storm spell.
1065 (4/20/04)
- Standard craftable items have been removed from the custom merchants.
- The item crafting system has been enhanced to include most item types. AC and Ability Bonus properties may be applied to any item.
- Many custom items have been altered or removed.
- Changed the Dusty Rose Lesser Ioun Stone to provide Dodge AC instead of Deflection.
- Automatic character saves have been changed back to every 10 minutes, however Shifters and other PCs may opt out of the auto save by speaking with Shady Character.
- The duration of summon immobilization effects (such as Dragon and Mummy fear) are a maximum of 20 rounds.
- The maximum duration of disabling spells is increased 50% if Extended.
- Removed True Seeing from Umber Hulk polymorph.
- The damage from Bigby's Clenched Fist and Bigby's Crushing Hand is changed to 2.5x.
- Fixed a bug with Bigby's Crushing Hand that caused it to not paralyze nor immobilize.
- Fixed bugs related to Shifters and the DCs of spell-like abilities (Stone Golem Hurl Rock, Azer Chieftain Burning Hands, Rakshasa Mestil's Acid Breath).
- The spell Ice Storm has been changed to fix a bug. The spell is blocked by spell mantles when it's cast by a Cleric. Greater Spell Mantle provides immunity without cost but Spell Mantle and Lesser Spell Mantle collapse.
- Fixed a bug with the Negative Energy Burst spell so it heals friendly undead.
- Fixed a bug with Cure spells to properly use positive damage instead of negative.
- Changed some scripts related to parties to hopefully lessen bugs.
- Fixed a bug that allowed a familiar to cast Heal.
- Disabled the spell Expeditious Retreat due to a bug exploit.
- Added item level requirement check to crafting system.
NWCon II (4/10/04)
- Created temporary tournament module.
1064 (4/20/04)
- The map Bitter Enemies (created by brooksy) was mistakenly removed when it should have been added to the permanent map rotation. It has been restored.
- Fixed a bug with GetFirstObjectInShape() / GetNextObjectInShape().
1063 (4/6/04)
- The Power Rating adjustment has been increased. For all points and rewards, underpowered teams receive more of a bonus, and overpowered teams receive more of a penalty.
- The XP Bank withdrawal maximum has been raised to level 36 (630,000 XP).
- Fixed a bug that caused a death-immune player's actions to be cleared when hit with a death spell.
- An aura visual effect has been added to the Invisibility Purge spell.
- The Magic Circle Against Alignment spell has been changed like the Protection from Alignment spell (provides immunity to mind-affecting spells of the opposing alignment as well).
- The Undeath's Eternal Foe spell has been changed to not stack.
- Kill BloodFrenzies have been removed to reduce local variables and improve server performance.
- Added new crafting system to purchase standard weapon and armor types. It's currently just a test, but the main purpose is to reduce the number of items in the merchants in order to improve server performance.
- Due to a bug exploit, the Feeblemind spell can't reduce Intelligence below 6.
- Fixed a bug with the RDD relevel warning.
- Removed XP banking requirement for pre-HotU characters with over 200,000 XP.
- Changed the Pale Master caster level formula for Greater Ruin and Hellball.
- Optimized some scripts.
1062 (3/29/04)
- The number of levels required for the Class PR Multiplier is changed for some classes. Red Dragon Disciple (level 10) 125% is added.
- The Lasting Inspiration feat is changed so that Bard Song is 4 times duration and Curse Song is 2 times duration (instead of 10 times).
- The Divine Favor spell is changed to halve the attack and damage increase instead of caster level.
- The Invisibility Sphere spell duration is changed to 1 Round / Level.
- Changed arena spawn dispel to only dispel AOEs of other team.
- Fixed script bugs related to immunities versus specific alignments.
1061 (3/27/04)
- The base reward for each reward type (Round End, CP, Kill) is increased from 3,500 XP/GP to 4,000.
- The duration of most disabling spells (Hold, Charm, Bigby, etc.) has been changed to 2 rounds + 1/3 levels (to a maximum of 10 or 20 rounds -- even if Extended). The damage from Bigby's Clenched Fist and Bigby's Crushing Hand is doubled to compensate for the reduced duration.
- The Evasion and Improved Evasion feats are changed to not work while using Medium or Heavy Armor or Tower Shield.
- The Dragon Shape forms are changed to lower Dexterity to 10 (was 36), lower Hide Skill by 8, and increase Armor Class (Armor type) by 7.
- The Shapechange Red Dragon's Dexterity is reduced to 10 (was 30) and natural Armor Class increased by 10.
- The (Lesser/Greater) Divine's Bane rings have been removed from the merchants. If you own the ring, please sell it.
- The Searing Light spell is changed to add a Will saving throw for half damage.
- The Heal, Mass Heal, Greater Restoration, and Harm spells are changed so that healing is capped at 50 Hit Points + 1d4 points per caster level (previously flat 100 HP) and damage is capped at 100 Hit Points + 2d4 points per caster level (previously flat 200 HP).
- The Battletide, Dirge, and War Cry spells are changed so that the negative effects only affect enemies.
- The Greater Rage and Mighty Rage feats are changed to instead of increasing Strength and Constitution 6 or 8 points, the increase is only 4 points (the same as normal Rage). However, Attack Bonus, Damage, HP per level, Fortitude, Discipline, and Concentration are each increased 1 point for Greater Rage or 2 points for Mighty Rage.
- The Bard Song and Curse Song feats are changed so skill increases (or skill decreases in the case of Curse Song) above 4 are cut in half (an 8 increase is reduced to 6). Curse Song removes a Bard's invisibility upon use and may not be used by a Bard below level 12 with less than 18 Perform. Lingering Song is applied before Lasting Inspiration, which is reduced to 3 times duration (instead of 10 times).
- The following spells and feats are weakened when used together: Divine Favor, Divine Power, Divine Might, Divine Shield, and Bard Song. The first one used is at full power but any subsequent are half power. Divine Might and Divine Shield may be used together without penalty, and their duration is unchanged. The Battle Mastery (Cleric War domain power) ability is no longer restricted when used with other divine abilities.
- The Divine Favor spell was changed so the caster gains a +1 bonus for every 4 caster levels (instead of 3).
- The dispel spells are changed so that the maximum to the caster's caster level is a percentage of character level: Lesser Dispel 25%, Dispel Magic 50%, Greater Dispel 75%, and Mordenkainen's Disjunction 100%. However, there is a secondary maximum of the target's character level for all spells.
- The Invisibility Purge spell's duration changed to 1 Round / Level.
- The Protection from Alignment spell changed to provide immunity to mind-affecting spells of the opposing alignment, i.e., both Protection from Good and Protection from Evil provide immunity against both Good and Evil mind-affecting spells.
- When exiting Greater Sanctuary by casting another spell, actions are cleared and the caster can't cast another spell for 3 - 6 seconds.
- The Epic Warding spell changed to absorb 35 points of damage per caster level before collapsing (reduced from 50 points per level).
- The Greater Ruin spell is changed so that the number of damage dice is 15 + caster level (instead of flat 35d6).
- The Hellball spell is changed so that the number of damage dice for each damage type is 5 + caster level divided by 4 (instead of flat 10d6).
- The Holy Sword spell is changed so that the Enhancement Bonus +5 is not applied if the weapon already has the identical item property, so that it can be used in conjunction with Greater Magic Weapon.
- The Amplify spell is changed to provide +10 to Listen (instead of +20).
- Due to a bug, the True Seeing and Ultravision spells are changed so they can not be dispelled.
- When coating a weapon with poison, the normal duration of 3 rounds is extended by 1 round for every 3 Assassin and/or Blackguard levels.
- The Arrow of Death, Hail of Arrows, Imbue Arrow, and Seeker Arrow abilities are changed so that physical damage is applied as magical when the Arcane Archer has at least Enchant Arrow V and the target doesn't have Epic Warding (to compensate for a bug with bypassing Damage Reduction). The Seeker Arrow damage is no longer treated as a critical hit.
- Fixed a bug where Lay on Hands, Arrow of Death, Hail of Arrows, and Imbue Arrow could critical hit a creature with immunity.
- Fixed a bug with the Negative Energy Ray spell that caused the saving throw to not reduce damage by half.
- Fixed a bug with the Prismatic Spray spell so that it would have a Fortitude saving throw, not Will.
- Fixed Slaad Chaos Spittle, Azer Fire Stream, and Lay on Hands (against Undead) so they won't work in No PvP areas.
- Fixed a bug with Barbarian Rage.
- Fixed other BioWare script bugs.
- Added Rod of Resistance & Vest of Devastating Fortitude to Magic Item Vendor.
- The Rod of Clarity may no longer be used on self while dazed.
- The journal has expanded to account for Kovi's many changes.
1060 (3/16/04)
- Five new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Desert of Decay (created by Kalec Stromhir), Frozen Summit (created by Deviltail), High Peak (created by zHamz), Ruins of Celestria (created by HeronDacre) & The Underworld (created by Ecthalon). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Dungeon of Decay map has been expanded and has been rechristened Return to Dungeon of Decay. It has been added back into the arena rotation.
- The Prison Riot! map (created by Istyan the Fiend) has been added back into the arena rotation. The Death Pit 2, Temple of the Winds, Barren Wasteland, and Necropolis maps have been removed from the rotation, but a DM can still bring them up.
- The Round End and CP Rewards once again display an actual XP/GP amount instead of just a percentage. However, the amount is the base reward for a 30th level PC. Since all rewards are adjusted by a Level Balance formula (30 / level), those below 30th level will earn more, and those above will earn less.
- Removed True Seeing from Rakshasa form.
- Added check for server level range after level up.
- (Hopefully) fixed a bug with the Magic Circle Against Alignment spell, so it won't cancel itself if the caster outruns the circle.
1059 (3/8/04)
- The Wizard Class PR Multiplier has been lowered to 175%.
- Updated a few scripts (leech, redo level, alignment change) to account for higher starting level.
- Updated Wizard Library to account for split level servers.
- Added support for polymorph battles by a DM.
- Thank you to Abby_ for creating a Linux server vault clean up script.
1058 (3/6/04)
- The starting level has been increased to level 15 (115,000 XP). If you have a character below 15th level, speak to the Keeper of War.
- The Power Rating formula has changed. The following classes are affected by the Class PR Multiplier: Sorcerer or Wizard: 200%; Cleric: 150%; Paladin, Druid, or Bard: 125%. The Class PR Multiplier also adjusts points. See Reward Calculations for details.
- The Round End, Capture Point, and base Kill Rewards have each increased to 3,500 XP per round. The formula for Kill Rewards has changed.
- All rewards are now adjusted by a Level Balance formula (30 / level), so that those below 30th level will earn more rewards, and those above will earn less. Since Round End and CP Rewards now vary by PC, only a percentage of rewards is displayed.
- For point and kill reward calculations, enemy levels are multiplied by 1.5x if the victim is Moderate.
- Earning a BloodFrenzy is now affected by the team PR.
- The team kill penalty has been increased to 500 XP/GP. The swearing penalty is now 3,000 XP/GP.
- Added support for different level ranges for each server.
- Added support to disable the XP Bank and character deletion when BioWare's Master Server is down.
- The damage of the Mestil's Acid Sheath spell has been lowered to 1d6 points + 1.5 points per caster level.
- Fixed a bug with the Chain Lightning spell.
- Fixed a bug with the Stonehold spell where it could remove other spell effects from the caster.
- Added a warning when Red Dragon Disciples redo a level. Lost ability points or invalid characters will not be restored.
- Optimized some scripts.
1057 (2/26/04)
- Adapted module to patch 1.62.
- Removed Red Dragon Disciple level limitation.
- Added Dimensional Door to other server(s).
- Fixed a bug with BioWare's Bard Song script that didn't allow progression beyond 20th level.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
1056 (2/16/04)
- The Kill Reward increase adjustment has been extended to all pre-epic characters (levels 8 - 20), and the Kill Reward decrease adjustment has been reduced to only levels 36 - 40 (previously 30 and above).
- The XP Bank has changed. When retiring a character, you may now retain a portion of the XP/GP beyond 200,000 XP. XP/GP may be withdrawn up to 30th level (435,000).
- The Bigby spells DC has been reduced.
- Exiting Greater Sanctuary by casting a spell clears actions.
- Associates now use a more sophisticated conversation dialog.
- Added portals to other BoW servers.
- The Merchants in the Tent test area have been restored.
- Optimized scripts related to jumping characters.
1055 (2/15/04)
- Added Ancient Rage characters to BoW server vault.
- Again attempted to fix respawn-in-place bug.
1054 (2/15/04)
- Several changes and script optimizations have been made to improve server performance.
- The Lobby system has been removed.
- The Face to Face Arena has been removed.
- The Message Board has been removed.
- The Merchants in the Tent test area have been disabled.
- The Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail) and Bitter Enemies (created by brooksy) maps have been added to the permanent arena rotation. The Beholder Stronghold map has been removed.
- Removed some unused areas.
- Fixed respawn-in-place bug (doubtful but it's worth a shot).
- All scrolls purchased in the Wizard Library should now be identified.
1053 (2/15/04)
- Tweaked some announcement colors.
- NPCs will now periodically return to their posts.
1052 (2/5/04)
- The colors of several announcements have changed.
- Fixed a bug with adding players to a party.
- The Control Undead spell does not work on PCs.
1051 (2/2/04)
- All rewards have been increased 20%.
- The lower level reward adjustment (levels 8 - 18) has been doubled.
1050 (2/1/04)
- Changed the portal method between lobby and main servers.
- The XP Bank has been updated to account for epic levels. When retiring a character, you may now retain a portion of the XP/GP earned beyond level 16 (120,000 XP). The percentage is equal to your level, e.g., 40th level = 40%. Currently, XP/GP may be withdrawn up to 25th level (300,000), but it will be raised again in the future.
- Spells may not be cast in the Lobby.
- The Control Undead spells acts like other dominate and charm spells when used on a PC, i.e., it dazes.
- Removed several unneeded scripts from NPCs.
1049 (1/27/04)
- All Rewards have been increased 25%.
- Kill points are now limited to 2.0 (before the PR adjustment).
1048 (1/26/04)
- Added new lobby server system.
- Characters are not added to the team party until they enter the base. Inviting others to a party is a bannable offense. The flag in base can be used to fix errors.
- Removed doubling of Challenge Rating for Epic Characters.
- Auto character saves changed from every 10 minutes to every 15 to accommodate a Shifter bug.
- Chat Monitor's faction has been changed to match the team, so they won't interrupt rest if a hostile spell is cast.
- Fixed some spells and abilities so they won't work in No PvP areas.
- Removed Holy Trap Kits, which were mistakenly added with version 1044.
- Actions are cleared when using all polymorph spells and abilities to prevent an exploit.
1047a (1/26/04)
- Removed separate lobby server.
1047 (1/26/04)
- Implemented separate lobby server.
1046 (1/18/04)
- All Rewards have been increased 33%.
- Added several new items (mostly based on player requests): Dwarven Waraxe of Ice, Toothpick of the Trojan (greatsword), Epic Feyduster +2 & +4 (short swords), Samurai's Honor (katana), Edge of Discontent (rapier), Scintillating Sliver (rapier), Footman's Wish (mace), Earbane (whip), Lion Tamer (whip), Fightin' Mittens (gauntlet), Greater Fists of Blinding (gauntlet), Dragon Skin Slings, Ring of Sing & Belt of Wind Giant Strength.
- The Regeneration item property has been limited to +2 when alone or +1 along with other properties.
- A Player Telescope has been added to the Entrance and each teams' base.
- Damage shield spells (Elemental Shield, Wounding Whispers, Death Armor, Mestil's Acid Sheath) no longer stack with each other.
- The Regenerate spell no longer stacks.
- The Heal, Mass Heal, Greater Restoration, and Harm spells are capped at 100 HP healing and 200 HP damage.
- The stacking restriction with the Branch of Giving (Flameberry / Iceberry) and the Magic Fang spells has been removed.
- Spells may be cast from items when in Expertise mode.
- The Immunity Damage Type for the Blue and Green Dragon polymorph forms have been changed to Electrical and Acid respectively. The Cold Damage Vulnerability has been removed.
- Temporary item properties are stripped from items when joining the server.
- XP Bank withdrawals may only be taken one level at a time.
- Fixed a bug where spawn invulnerability could last longer than it should at the end of the round.
- The colors of some announcements have been changed.
1045 (1/10/04)
- Round End and CP Rewards have been increased 25%.
- Characters level 8 - 18 receive higher kill rewards.
- Characters may not level while polymorphed.
- Fixed a bug where polymorph items were sold if a character needed to pay a debt.
- Fixed a bug where test characters could join a party.
- Updated the Wizard Library to account for Pale Master levels.
- Changed Great Thunderclap spell to not bypass Spell Mantles.
1044 (1/6/04)
- BoW now requires HotU.
- Old characters are stripped of all old items
- Old 20th level characters must retire their XP/GP over 200,000.
- All items have been reworked and/or changed. AB items go up to +4. AC items go up to +6. Skill and saving throw enhancing items are rarer. Thank you to Vusak for assisting with item creation.
- The Guild Ring has changed, and all guild members must get a new one using the new secret code.
- Three new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail), Bitter Enemies and Beholder Stronghold (both created by brooksy). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Bloody Streets (created by Istyan the Fiend) and Craggy Canyon (created by Ecthalon) maps have been added to the permanent arena rotation. The Cold As Ice map has been removed from regular rotation, but a DM can still bring it up. The Gates of Hell map has been removed.
- Round End, CP, and Kill Rewards have all been increased approximately 10%.
- The lower kill reward adjustment for levels 16 - 20 has been removed and has been spread over levels 30 - 40.
- The Easy and Effortless ranges have been doubled for Epic Characters. See "Reward Calculations" for details.
- The Power Rating formula has changed to account for epic levels.
- Added Dwarven Waraxes and Whips.
- Added Epic Trap Kits.
- Added Ioun Stones.
- Added Poison Weapon Kits.
- New HotU spells have been added to the Wizard Library.
- The True Seeing ability has been removed from the Epic Red Dragon summon (Dragon Knight spell) and Epic Pseudodragon familiar.
- Fixed a bug with Greater Wild Shape that prevented item properties from a Tower Shield to be carried over.
- Players may not take more than 9 levels in the Red Dragon Disciple class due to an invalid character bug. BioWare has stated that it will be fixed with the next patch.
- Fixed bugs with the Pure Class Gold Bonus relating to HotU Prestige Classes and when a Human's or Half-Elf's highest class is a Prestige Class.
- The duration for temporary item property spells has been limited to 15 turns.
- Added instant rest after respawn.
- Arcane Archer abilities now include Massive Criticals from their bow.
- Armor stores have been broken up by type.
- Added new guild member gift.
- Added Lens of Remote Viewing that allows you to control your camera height.
- Optimized several scripts.
- Thank you to [DM] Aggaron Wraithstouch for the redesigned maps.
1043 (12/30/03)
- The Fog Clip Distance for all areas has been lowered to 65 meters.
- Changed Ball Lightning back to its default behavior (up to 15 missiles for 1d6 damage each), but Reflex save remains.
- Removed Counterspell spellcasting check, because it doesn't seem to work.
- Fixed a bug with the Deafening Clang spell.
- Fixed a bug were Shady Character could give polymorphed characters too much gold.
- Fixed a bug with disarmed polymorph weapons.
- Fixed a rare bug when losing more than one type of bonus gold.
1042 (12/28/03)
- Fixed a bug (hopefully) where polymorphed characters could trigger character invalidation for twinking.
- Bugs fixed with the Ball Lightning spell (should be 1 missile for up to 15d6 damage instead of up to 15 missiles for 1d6 damage each, should have Reflex save).
- Bug fixed with Crumble spell (should have no SR check).
- Added item property Use Limitation Paladin to the Holy Sword spell.
1041 (12/26/03)
- Many HotU features have been enabled including Prestige Classes, Spells, and Feats.
- Round End and CP Rewards have been increased 10%. Kill Rewards have been increased 12.5%.
- The Capture Point rewards are no longer added to the Round End reward when the PRs are unbalanced, but the lower PR team now gets bonus time per CP equal to the difference between the PRs.
- Numerous HotU scripts changed and bugs fixed to conform to BoW practices.
- The Holy Sword spell has been changed so that -- instead of a Holy Avenger property -- it adds Enhancement Bonus +5, Damage Bonus Divine 1d6, Spell Resistance 16, and On Hit Cast Spell Dispel Magic.
- The Create Undead spell has been changed so that the summoned undead creature is always a pet of the caster.
- Removed True Seeing from several polymorph forms. Also removed Hide in Plain Sight from Kobold Commando.
- No kamas are allowed (due to Monk multiclass UBAB stacking and dual wield bugs).
1040 (12/22/03)
- Fixed weapon loss bug.
- Fixed a bug related to a full inventory.
- Changed how the Wizard Library is handled.
- Streamlined invalid character scripts.
- Changed how old Shadowdancers are handled.
1039 (12/20/03)
- The Fog Clip Distance for all areas has been increased to 75 meters.
- Spells may not be cast while using Counterspell.
- Shady Character can now replace lost gold. The lost and found room has been removed.
- Invalid Characters are now handled differently.
- Informational popups added.
- Powerleveling check and Relevel Mask removed.
- Fixed the Divine Power spell to properly work with epic levels.
1038 (12/17/03)
- Numerous changes made to update module to patch 1.61, which includes numerous changes by BioWare.
- Disabled most HotU features including Prestige Classes, Spells, Feats, Skills, and the Eyeball Familiar.
- The Fog Clip Distance for all areas has been changed to 60 meters (from a default of 45). Please provide feedback on the guild forum if the distance should be raised or lowered, since the setfogdistance console command is no longer usable.
- Spells may not be cast while using Expertise or Improved Expertise.
- The Stoneskin, Greater Stoneskin, and Premonition spell changes have been removed.
- The Greater Sanctuary spell has been changed so that etherealness is removed when casting any spell. The Escape Etherealness Elixir is no longer needed.
- The Continual Flame spell has been changed, so that the light property is temporary when cast on an item.
- Arcane Archer abilities adapted to new BioWare scripts. Epic Weapon Specialization added, Mighty is calculated properly, arrow damage bonus is included.
- Epic Spell Focus added to custom spell scripts (Bigby, Dispel) that use Spell Focus.
- Removed BioWare's "fix" for Improved Invisibility. It operates as it did before patch 1.61; concealment isn't canceled along with invisibility.
- Fixed a bug (introduced with patch 1.61?) so that dispel does not get multiple dispel attempts against each effect.
1037 (12/17/03)
- Bug fixes.
1036 (11/30/03)
- Three new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Bloody Streets (created by Istyan the Fiend), Craggy Canyon (created by Ecthalon), and Gates of Hell (created by Entreri). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Necropolis (created by LSK) and Port Bastion (created by Hakanubis) maps have been added to the permanent arena rotation. The Betle's Ballroom map has been removed.
- The cost of a Harper Scout's Craft Harper Item has been significantly reduced, but the potions may no longer be given to others.
- OnDeath script optimized.
1035 (11/24/03)
- The Power Rating adjustment has been decreased. For points and all rewards, overpowered teams are penalized less, and underpowered teams receive less of a bonus.
- The spawn penalties have been removed, but using an arena portal (not random portal) now provides 3 rounds of invulnerability and etherealness.
- The Escape Portal now only appears on the arena map after rewards are issued.
1034 (11/23/03)
- Added Stone of Honor in the Entrance.
- Fixed a bug where a confused team kill would award points to the wrong team.
- Spawn points on all arena maps have been standardized so that generally the locations are as follows: Portal 1: northwest; Portal 2: northeast; Portal 4: southwest; Portal 5: southeast.
1033 (11/21/03)
- Arcane Defense now provides a bonus when resisting dispel and Bigby spells.
- The restriction on casting the Improved Invisibility spell on others has been lifted.
1032 (11/17/03)
- Pets (Animal Companions, Familiars, Summons) have been removed from the Power Rating calculation.
- The disparity between the winning and losing Round End Reward has been increased.
- The Kill Reward adjustment for higher levels has been tweaked.
- The dispel spells have been changed so that Spell Focus: Abjuration or Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration provide a +2 or +4 bonus to the dispel check.
1031 (11/16/03)
- The Round End Reward has been increased 500% (from a base of 200 XP/GP to 1,000 XP/GP) and the CP Rewards have increased 50% (from 400 XP/GP to 600 XP/GP per round -- 6 checks per round). The Kill Reward has been reduced 27% (from a base of 33 XP/GP to 24), but higher levels (16+) have been adjusted even further. Altogether, the rewards should be about the same, but now a much higher portion will be from the Round End and CP Rewards. The proportion increases as you level. A 20th character should expect to receive 80-90% of their XP from the Round End and CP Rewards. Please see the Reward Calculations section in your journal for more details.
- The Round End Reward has been delayed to hopefully reduce the chance of missing it while dead. Do not leave your team base before rewards are issued.
- The script that checks for leeching is now more stringent. Make sure you move at least 3 meters every 3 minutes.
- You must be fully leveled up to enter the arena.
- A Monk's Menagerie no longer stacks with itself.
- Fixed a bug where Restoration spells cast by others could dispel Barbarian Rage.
1030 (11/8/03)
- Added A Monk's Menagerie to Magic Item vendor.
- The True Seeing ability has been removed from the shapechanged Red Dragon, Pseudodragon familiar, and summoned Helmed Horror.
1029 (11/8/03)
- Internal changes.
1028 (11/3/03)
- Some spells may now damage the caster.
- A new arena map has been added on a trial basis: Port Bastion (created by Hakanubis). Should we keep it? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- Learned Sling and Incontrovertible Judgment greatsword added.
- The Vampiric Touch spell no longer works on dead creatures.
- The Find Traps spell reveals traps to all party members.
- Added spell failure to spawn camping penalty.
- Disabled tournament scripts.
1027 (10/31/03)
- Map votes are now only cleared if the map has been played.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a character to become invalid if they lose more than one gold bonus type. Now, when a PC's items are sold to pay a debt, all items are sold.
- Made some adjustments to tournament scripts.
1026 (10/24/03)
- Two new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Betle's Ballroom (created by Betleman) and Necropolis (created by LSK). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Shadow Desert map (created by Inferno) has been added to the permanent arena rotation.
- The Death Pit map has been expanded and has been rechristened Death Pit 2.
- Hand Wraps of Silence added to weapon vendor.
- Bug fixed with Phantasmal Killer and Weird spells that caused mind spell immunity to negate Will saving throw.
1025 (10/24/03)
- Added ability for players to delete characters. See Shady Character to do so.
1024 (10/24/03)
- Added support for NWCon tournaments. Sign up at www.neverwinterconnections.com.
1023 (10/19/03)
- Three new standard types added for each melee weapon: Acid, Screaming, and Shock.
- If a killer is dead or unidentified, the next closest teammate gets credit for the kill.
- Shady Character can now tell you what gold bonuses you have.
1022 (10/18/03)
- Holding Capture Points no longer automatically heal the winners. Instead, Healer's Kits are awarded.
- Bastions of War guild members now receive a 1% gold bonus. All players who have joined the guild at www.bastionsofwar.com should get a guild ring from Shady Character in the Entrance.
- While there are no multiclass XP penalties on BoW, pure class characters and those who normally would not have multiclass penalties now receive a 10% gold bonus.
- Characters with the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat now receive a flat 10,000 GP gold bonus.
- The Invisibility Purge spell now only affects enemies.
- Some scripts optimized.
- A Wizard Library has been added, so that Wizards may buy spell scrolls to copy into their spellbooks. The cost is 100 XP and 100 GP per spell level.
- The Melee Weapon Vendor has been split up into multiple stores.
1020 (10/12/03)
- All door locks may now be bashed by physical attacks. However, it takes a lot longer than skillfully picking the lock.
- The ceremonial dagger is no longer used to track those who receive melee fighter bonus gold.
- Automated some monitoring of player chat.
- Adjusted the character name filter.
1019 (10/12/03)
- Added Kukri of Storms.
- Made some adjustments to OnDeath script.
1018 (10/9/03)
- Character names may only contain the letters A to Z. The same applies to Familiars and Animal Companions.
- Added ability to test characters. If you make a new character with [test] in the name, you will be transferred to a small area where you can level and buy equipment to test out a build. However, the character is invalid beyond the test area and may not be used to fight.
- You may now view the scoreboard at any time by using the Craft Trap ability from your radial menu.
- Added Oblivion Hammer to Weapons Merchant.
- Ring of Purity and Ring of the Tracker have been altered. If you own one, you should sell it and buy a new one. Greater Ring of the Tracker added to Magic Item Merchant.
- Fixed a bug with Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell (hopefully for real this time).
- OnJoin and OnDeath scripts optimized.
1017 (10/5/03)
- Spawn and Capture Points have been moved on many maps.
- The following maps have been removed from the rotation based on player votes: High Plains Battle, Firefight, Dungeon of Decay, To Cross A Bridge, Slimy Death, Winter World, Prison Riot!, and Labyrinth II.
- Added Laggy's Eye to the Magic Item Vendor. It enables you to better see your stealthed teammates by increasing your Spot and Listen skills to 100 when attempting to detect others of your alignment. It should be especially helpful for AOE spellcasters who wish to avoid team kills.
- Added scrolls for the following spells to the Wizard Scroll Vendor: Energy Buffer, Find Traps, Ice Storm, Legend Lore, and Shadow Shield.
- Fixed an exploit where extra traps or grenadelike weapons could be created when resting.
- Fixed bug where mind spell immunity would negate saving throw for Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell.
- To avoid an exploit, the XP Bank has been changed, so you may only withdraw XP when fully leveled up.
1016 (9/30/03)
- Team switch restriction ends at round end instead of next round start.
- Added spell descriptions to magical rods.
- Added some Dungeon Master tools.
1015 (9/26/03)
- Altered the random arena portal to keep away from map edge. Corrected a bug with non-square maps.
- Fixed Aid spell, so it won't stack.
- The Mass Charm spell has been changed to work like other charm spells. It dazes the target(s).
- The Mind Blank and Lesser Mind Blank spells have been fixed so they cure paralysis.
- The Silence spell has been changed, so it affects the caster.
- Added weapon properties to description of ammunition and throwing weapon kits.
- At round end, arena maps are cleared of traps.
1014 (9/22/03)
- An arena portal has been added that transports to a random location on the map. Please note that the location is totally random, so you could end up in the middle of a group of opponents or on an enemy spawn point.
- The Blade Barrier spell has been fixed so it handles the Reflex saving throw and Evasion / Improved Evasion feats properly.
- Added Sickle of the Wise.
- Fixed a bug where an empty inventory could sometimes be confused with a full one.
- Optimized OnJoin script.
1013 (9/21/03)
- The Wounding weapons have been improved. If you own one, you should sell it and buy a new one.
- New monk gauntlets added.
1012 (9/19/03)
- Dispel Trap Kits have been added. Holy Trap Kits have been removed.
- Belts of Sustainability and Helm of the Bull added.
- The server feedback on dispels is now more concise.
- Fixed bug where mind spell immunity would negate saving throw for Word of Faith spell. Fixed similar bug with Mind Fog spell.
- Fixed bug with Divine Power spell where it sometimes gave too much AB bonus.
- If a pet kills a teammate while confused, their master will no longer be penalized.
- Since the team rank system isn't used much, players may drop Private Force Rank papers if they don't want to carry them.
- Miscellaneous bugs fixed and scripts optimized.
1011 (9/16/03)
- The Spellcraft skill is lowered when casting Greater Sanctuary, so Counterspell can't be used while ethereal.
- Actions are cleared when using all polymorph spells and abilities to prevent an exploit.
1010 (9/14/03)
- We have too many maps and will be removing some. Please vote for your favorite and least liked maps (in the Entrance).
- Three new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Shadow Desert and Winter World (both created by Inferno) and Forgotten Pain (created by Rainywinter). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Two Forts (created by Carthorn), Prison Riot! and Mad Maude's Bordello and Pub (both created by Istyan the Fiend) maps have been added to the permanent arena rotation.
- The team switch restriction now resets every round.
- You may only withdraw XP/GP from the XP Bank up to 20th level.
- After an XP Bank withdrawal, you are only sent to the Void if you need to level.
1009 (9/11/03)
- Switched to new Message Board system, since old Message Board was losing messages.
- Fixed bug with beneficial AOE spells not affecting caster, most notably Mind Blank.
- Internal changes.
1007 (9/11/03)
- Several scripts optimized.
- Lich Lyrics added to Magic Item vendor.
1006 (9/4/03)
- Non-magical ammo and throwing weapon kits added.
- Numerous haste armors added.
- Since petrification blocks dispel, the team kill penalty now strips all buffs.
- The PR calculation is capped at 190,000 XP (20th level); changed from previous cap of 225,000.
1005 (9/4/03)
- The Damage Bonus property on a few weapons with non-stacking properties has been changed. If you're unsure if any properties on your weapon don't stack, you should sell and rebuy your weapon.
- A Harper Scout's Craft Harper Item ability now creates Greater Cat's Grace and Greater Eagle's Splendor potions (provides 2d4+1 of ability enhancement). The cost has been changed.
1004 (8/24/03)
- The ranged and thrown weapons and ammo have been consolidated on one merchant.
- Numerous weapons and ammo with Wounding property added.
- Ranged weapons with Massive Criticals property added.
- Some weapons with higher DC On Hit properties added.
- The skill enhancing properties of many items have been lowered.
- The True Seeing spell has been changed to a combination of the See Invisibility and Ultravision spells plus a +10 skill bonus to Search.
- The Delayed Blast Fireball spell has been changed to Full PvP.
- The damage from an Arcane Archer's Seeker Arrow and Arrow of Death has been lowered to being treated as a critical hit (x3).
- An XP Bank has been added. You may retire characters and transfer half their XP/GP earned after 11th level to another character. See Shady Character in the Entrance. THE XP BANK IS BEING BETA TESTED AND MAY BE CHANGED OR REMOVED ALTOGETHER.
1003 (8/19/03)
- Module updated to 1.31 patch.
- Removed restrictions of monks possessing SR items and casting the Spell Resistance spell on them, since the bug was fixed with 1.31 patch.
- Did NOT use BioWare's 1.31 patch "fix" for Divine Might by limiting it to +5 damage and 5 rounds. (It's still kind of kludgey since it uses up to 3 different damage types.)
1002 (8/18/03)
- The Divine Power and Divine Favor spells, Divine Might feat, and Battle Mastery ability (Cleric War domain power) no longer stack with each other.
- The team kill penalty has been changed to 150 XP/GP and 2 minutes paralyzation.
- For dispel magic spells, the effect DC is now based on character level instead of caster level.
- The Magic Fang and Greater Magic Fang spells do not stack with the Branch of Giving (Flameberry / Iceberry) item and vice versa.
- The Knock spell will now work on doors even if they're plot.
- Once again, Capture Point rewards are not awarded if PR is off by more than 75 points. The reward amount is added to the round end reward.
- Several scripts optimized.
1001 (8/12/03)
- Four new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Two Forts (created by Carthorn), High Plains Battle (created by Kalec Stromhir), Prison Riot! and Mad Maude's Bordello and Pub (both created by Istyan the Fiend). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- Numerous haste weapons added to a merchant.
- Free alcohol added.
- Changed Restoration spells to not dispel Barbarian Rage due to AC decrease.
1000 (8/12/03)
- Maps may not repeat.
- The Bigby spells DC has been lowered. It may change again depending on the results.
0999 (8/8/03)
- The Capture Point rewards are now based on total time captured instead of random checks.
- The frequency of the Capture Point rewards has been increased.
- Members of the team with the highest Capture Point reward are healed 10% of their maximum hit points plus their healing skill (not including Wisdom bonus).
*** The Capture Point changes are being beta tested and may change again.
- The spawn camping penalties have been increased.
- All trap kits now spawn TWO traps when resting.
- Added Escape Etherealness Elixir to Magic Item Merchant, which allows a spellcaster to cancel the effects of the Greater Sanctuary spell without the need to attack something. Added stronger Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Gloves of the Minstrel to Clothing Merchant. Added Minstrel's Mask to Armor Merchant.
- Fixed bug with Mordenkainen's Disjunction spell where SR decrease wasn't being applied.
- Fixed bug where the new dispel script was affecting non-dispellable effects such as Bard Song and Barbarian Rage.
- The Balagarn's Iron Horn spell is now based on discipline check -- just like the Bigby spells except there is no Size Modifier in DC.
0998 (8/3/03)
- The Shadowdancer class is no longer allowed on BoW. Any characters with Shadowdancer levels will be sent to the Void and will have the opportunity to relevel.
- Melee fighters with only Fighter, Barbarian and/or Ranger levels are given a 30% gold piece bonus when they level up after 9th level.
- A persistent message board has been added to the Inn of War.
- Multiclass XP penalties have been removed. The base kill reward has been lowered from 35 XP/GP to 33 to compensate.
- The dispel magic spells have been fixed. See Spell Changes.
- The Greater Sanctuary spell has been changed so that all other spells will fails to cast while ethereal.
- Maps may not repeat even if a map wins the vote twice.
- The spawn camping penalty now affects pets.
- Bigby's Crushing Hand should now continue to impact even if target is immune to paralyze.
- An Arcane Archer's Seeker Arrow, Hail of Arrows, and Arrow of Death now include the damage bonus from the Weapon Specialization feat.
- Rod of Sustained Speed has been added to Magic Item Merchant (for shapechangers or anyone).
- Melf's Acid Arrow, Inferno, Bigby's Clenched Fist, and Bigby's Crushing Hand spells have been changed so that damage does not continue after respawning in base.
- Arena map spawns have been reoriented.
- The Darkness Bug Fix Stone has been returned to the Nexus.
- An Arcane Archer's Seeker Arrow and Arrow of Death may no longer target self.
0997 (7/17/03)
- The Bigby spells are now based on a discipline check. See Spell Changes for details. They may be changed further depending on their effectiveness. Share your thoughts on the guild forum.
- If you log out while in the active arena and return before round end, your character will be killed and credit will go to the nearest enemy.
- Fixed Flesh to Stone spell to include SR check.
0996 (7/11/03)
- Trap and grenadelike weapon kits no longer need to be manually activated. Just rest, and the trap or grenadelike weapon will automatically be created.
- Ammo and thrown weapons are no longer destroyed when resting.
- An Arcane Archer's Seeker Arrow, Hail of Arrows, and Arrow of Death now include the damage bonus of the equipped arrow and any Strength bonus if the bow is Mighty. The Seeker Arrow and Arrow of Death damage is multiplied by the number of attacks per round (since it takes a full round to use).
- The class power rating for Clerics has been changed to 1.5x and Sorcerers has been changed to 1.25x. All other classes are 1.0x.
- Spellcasters may buy Planar Summoning Crystals from the Magic Item Vendor that will alter the alignment of the summon from Planar spells (Lesser Planar Binding, Planar Binding, Greater Planar Binding, and Planar Ally).
- The Cold As Ice (created by Virtuzoso), Barren Wasteland (created by Istyan the Fiend), and Farmland (created by Entreri) maps have been added to the permanent arena rotation.
0995 (7/3/03)
- The round end reward is now adjusted by PR.
- Capture Point rewards are not awarded if PR is off by more than 75 points. The reward amount is added to the round end reward.
- In order to avoid an exploit, ammo and thrown weapons created from a kit are destroyed when resting (just like traps and grenadelike weapons). To compensate for this annoyance, the kits now create five stacks at a time.
- Fixed Firebrand spell to include a reflex save.
- Fixed all Cure Wounds spells to heal the correct amount when maximized.
- Changed Flame Arrow, Firebrand, Isaacs Lesser Missile Storm, and Isaacs Greater Missile Storm spells so that only a single SR check is made for all missiles, so each missile isn't counted as a separate spell against spell mantles.
- The Improved Invisibility spell may only be cast on self.
0994 (7/3/03)
- The map vote quorum has been lowered. If the highest vote-getter receives at least 3 votes, it will be assigned.
- Fixed some AOE spells, which were not harming teammates.
0993 (6/28/03)
- Module converted to be compatible with NWN Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Prestige classes and spells enabled. Several scripts updated.
- Alignment restrictions for all classes have been removed.
- Characters may change their alignment once before reaching 8th level.
- The Craft Trap and Appraise skills are disabled.
- The cost of a Harper Scout's Craft Harper Item ability has been changed. Harper Scouts are allowed to give their potions to others.
- The Capture Point system has been reinstated.
- The round end reward has been reduced, since the Capture Point system also provides a reward.
- Three new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Cold As Ice (created by Virtuzoso), Barren Wasteland (created by Istyan the Fiend) and Temple of the Winds (created by Kragus Wyrmslayer). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The To Cross A Bridge map (created by UltimateChaos) has been added to the regular arena rotation.
- A map voting function has been added, so players may choose the next map.
- The two minute rest restriction has been disabled but may be reinstated later if abused.
- Numerous new items added to vendors.
- Grenadelike throwing weapon kits have been added to Ammo Vendor. Caltrops are dulled faster when stacked.
- Added new spell scrolls to Wizard Scroll Vendor.
- Added Rod of Restoration and Rod of Lesser Restoration to Magic Item Vendor.
- Potions have been replaced by one use per day rods.
- Rogue scrolls have been replaced by one use per day rods.
- Pets are no longer instantly healed by feeding them.
- BioWare has changed the Vampiric Touch spell description, so it no longer requires a Touch Attack.
- BioWare has changed the Weird spell description, so the spell now matches the description.
- Isaacs Greater Missile Storm spell is limited to a maximum of 10 missiles per target.
- Fixed bug with Divine Might feat (kind of kludgey; uses 3 different damage types)
- Fixed Wounding Whispers spell so it doesn't stack.
- When a confused soldier makes a Team Kill, the spellcaster who cast Confusion receives the kill reward.
- A very special gift has been added for guild members (forum.bastionsofwar.com).
0992 (6/20/03)
- Updated for 1.30 patch. Some Shadows of Undrentide features disabled.
- Resurrection and Raise Dead spells have been disabled.
0991 (6/15/03)
- The spawn camping penalty has been increased.
- Map notes have been added to each arena spawn location.
- Disarmed items are only returned upon death (and when characters are saved every 10 minutes).
- Items may not be dropped outside of the arena.
- Stoneskin, Greater Stoneskin, and Premonition spells have been changed from Damage Reduction to Damage Resistance (Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing).
- If you accidentally take pick pocket on level up, your level will be removed.
0990 (6/13/03)
- Creating new characters with color names is no longer allowed.
- Two new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: To Cross A Bridge (created by UltimateChaos) and Farmland (created by Entreri). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Slimy Death map (created by Lightning Striker) and Labyrinth II map (created Entreri) have been added to the regular arena rotation.
- Fixed bugs related to Effortless kill changes.
- Fixed Divine Power spell so that it correctly increases the number of attacks (was previously always giving one too many).
0989 (6/11/03)
- The reward for Effortless kills (6 or more levels lower) has been eliminated for high level soldiers.
- Multiclass XP penalties are enabled. Follows standard NWN / D&D rules.
- Team kill penalties can cause the loss of a level.
- Monk gloves from the standard NWN palette have been added to the Weapons Vendor.
0988 (6/8/03)
- When a soldier enters the arena, Dispel Magic is cast at spawn location to hopefully discourage camping.
- Kill announcements have been moved to the server message window.
- Sunbeam spell no longer affects the caster.
0987 (6/3/03)
- Two new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Slimy Death (created by Lightning Striker) & Labyrinth II (created Entreri). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
- The Wide Open Spaces map (created by Kalec Stromhir) has been removed from regular rotation, but a DM can still bring it up. The Flaming Tower map has been retired.
- Spawn locations in some maps have been changed.
- A Join Party device has been added to each team base.
- Players may not SWITCH to a team with a higher score or power rating.
- Fixed Creeping Doom spell to remove SR check.
0986 (6/1/03)
- Ring of Disciplined Resistance +3, Amulet of Disciplined Resistance +5, and Cloak of Disciplined Fortification +3 added to vendors.
- The round end reward is only given to those in the arena or their base.
- Fixed the TK penalty paralyze (again).
- The Spell Resistance spell may not be cast on a monk with Diamond Soul.
- Added a Chapel area for an event.
0985 (5/28/03)
- Traps should now properly reward a kill.
- A Face to Face Arena Challenge Wand has been added.
- The Power Rating now only counts characters in the arena or their base.
- Wall of Fire, Creeping Doom, and Delayed Blast Fireball spells no longer affect the caster.
- Fixed Chain Lightning spell so it doesn't work in No PvP areas.
0984 (5/26/03)
- The portals to the arena have been changed. Each team now gets a set of different portals each round.
- Face to Face Arena added. See the ladder board for details.
0983 (5/25/03)
- Barbarians who are low on hit points no longer die when their Rage wears off.
- Trap properties are now listed on the kits.
- A team kill count has been added to the scoreboard.
- The team power ratings are now only calculated every 30 seconds to cut down on script overhead.
0982 (5/23/03)
- Trap kits (one use per day) have been added to the rogue vendor. Like ammo kits, they may be resold for the full price.
- Recovering traps has been disabled. Actions are cleared after setting a trap.
- Two new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: Flaming Tower (created by Lightning Striker) & Wide Open Spaces (created by Kalec Stromhir). Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum!
0981 (5/22/03)
- The unlimited ammo kits have changed. Thrown weapons are cheaper, so please sell your old kit.
- Added to merchants: Enchanted Clothing, Boots of Striding +4 & +5, and bonus spell slot items.
- Single purchase ammo and throwing weapons have been moved to the ammo merchant.
- The TK penalty paralyze has been fixed.
- Two new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: The Swamp & Mercurial Maude's Mausoleum Madness. Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum! Maps submitted by Istyan the Fiend (Aaron Riel).
- Due to popular demand, the War Field & Bastion Battlegrounds maps are now permanently in the arena rotation. They were submitted by Kalec Stromhir.
- The Inn of War has been reopened for those who like to sit on their butts and avoid the glories of war.
- "The Legend" has been added to the journal.
- Full PvP damaging spells no longer affect the caster.
- Two new arena maps have been added on a trial basis: War Field & Bastion Battlegrounds. Should we keep them? Express your opinion on the guild forum! Maps submitted by Kalec Stromhir. Caverns of Sorrow has been removed.
- The kits from the ammo vendor now have unlimited ammo and throwing weapons. They can be sold for full price.
- Add two wisdom helmets and a morning star.
- The team kill paralyze penalty can no longer be dispelled.
- BloodFrenzy is back!
- The auto item return (when disarmed) has been enhanced. Weapons are returned in 30 seconds if not picked up.
- The point scoring is now adjusted by level of killer and victim (just like XP and GP reward).
- Hopefully the rest bug is fixed. If you're unable to rest after two minutes, please notify a DM.
- A membership ring has been added for Bastions of War guild members (forum.bastionsofwar.com).
- The arena entry portals have been altered to hopefully encourage better tactics and teamwork.
- Added more saving throw rings.
- Maps are selected randomly but there will be no repeats within 5 rounds.
- Fixed web spell (more strength now lowers movement penalty).
- New arena map, Caverns of Sorrow, has been added on a trial basis (replacing the Forsaken Mines). Should we keep it? Express your opinion on the guild forum! Map submitted by Kalec Stromhir {Dark Knights}.
- Characters may now change their law-chaos alignment and play evil Paladins (as long as they create the character as a Paladin).
- Players may now redo their last level up at anytime.
- The maximum PR reward adjustment is now a differential of 4x (was 3x). When the PR is unbalanced, the weak team will get better rewards and overpowered team will get less.
- There is no longer a team kill penalty when the killer is Confused.
- Fixed a bug where the twink script was reporting a character's gold higher than actual. My apologies to those who were affected.
- All Shadow variant spells have been disabled.
- The PR, scoring, and kill reward formulas have been tweaked.
0971 (4/26/03)
- The New Bastions of War team PvP module is now live. Many changes have been made at Lord Alexander's whim. If you don't like something, please post constructive criticisms on the guild forum and don't whine in-game.
- The token system and point capture system are suspended (but may be revived later).
- Switching teams is disabled. This is Good versus Evil, and you're expected to support your brethren and destroy your enemies.
- Transferring items or gold between characters is strictly prohibited.
- New characters start at level 8, but only 1,000 XP away from 9th level.
- The ammo vendor now sells thrown weapons as well and all prices have been lowered.
- Many items changes. All items with Immunities and Damage Reduction have been removed.