Animation Fix
The Animation FIX for HotU seems to help with client crashes. Make sure you follow the installation instructions (one file needs to be removed). UPDATE: According to BioWare, the client crash due to other players coming out of stealth (that required these animations to avoid) has been fixed with patch 1.69.
NWNWiki and NWN2Wiki are Neverwinter Nights databases that anyone can edit. They includes detailed game information including information on every class, race, spell, feat, and skill in the game.
Best Character Build Contest
The Bastions of War guild has an ongoing character build contest, which includes helpful information on creating fun and powerful characters. Submit your favorite builds to win prizes, including a custom character appearance.
Check out these Best Character Build topics:
Best Character Build Contest I
Best Character Build Contest II
Best Character Build Contest III & IV
Best Character Build Contest V
Best Character Build Contest VI
Best Character Build Contest VII
Best Character Build Contest VIII
Best Character Build Contest IX
Best Character Build Contest X (summary)
Best Character Build Contest XI (summary)
Best Character Build Contest XII
Best Character Build Contest XIII
Best Character Build Contest XIV
Best Character Build Contest XV
Best Character Build Contest XVI
Best Character Build Contest XVII
Best Character Build Contest XVIII
Best Character Build Contest XIX
Best Character Build Contest XX
Also see BioWare's Epic Character Builds.
Custom Portaits
To view these custom portraits in-game, unzip the five TGA files to your NWN portraits directory. To submit a custom portrait, please email them to Lord Alexander and include your player login name, character name, and the portrait creator. To create your own portraits, see the BioWare tutorial.
Download all portraits in one zip file (1.52 MB).
![[DM] Lord Alexander](portraits/m_olddruid.jpg) [DM] Lord Alexander |
 Zeros Reaper |
 Azune |
 Darkness 1 |
 Darkness 2 |
 Empty |
 Empty |
 Empty |
 Empty |
 Empty |
 Empty |
 Empty |
[DM] Lord Alexander (m_olddruid_*.tga) : credit unknown
Zeros Reaper (maleniteswo_*.tga) : credit unknown
Azune (elvenmage_*.tga) : credit Sten Strandberg (sten 87)
Darkness 1 (flamedragon_*.tga) : credit Cheekyhting
Darkness 2 (shadowangell_*.tga) : credit Cheekyhting
Empty (empty_*.tga) : credit trulez
You can download more custom portraits from NWVault.
Teamspeak Servers
Raralith hosts Teamspeak servers for use by all BoW players.
New to Teamspeak? Please find the FAQ and program download at www.goteamspeak.com.
Some general rules for Teamspeak:
- Please use headphones; otherwise see here to make your microphone less sensitive and not activate when using speakers. This is a quick fix though, so please get a very cheap pair of headphones.
- If people cannot hear you: Guide for adjusting your microphone loudness.
- If your sound card is having problems (i.e., not working, making weird noises, lots of static, etc.): Guide to switching your microphone to your on-board sound.
- Please use the appropriate server channel. If you are playing on Good, please use the Good Teamspeak channel, and vice versa.
Teamspeak Server (instructions to connect)
IP: ts.bastionsofwar.com:8868 or
Password: See the guild forum topic
If you need help, you can contact Raralith on MSN: Dhameon@Hotmail.com, AIM: FrostBytzeX, or IQC: 295596088.
2da Files
These altered 2da files are used on the BoW server:
restduration.2da: Reduces the rest duration to nearly instantaneous.
classes.2da: Removes class alignment restrictions.
spells.2da: Removes the somatic components for the Amplify and War Cry spells (like the bugged version prior to patch 1.69).
feat.2da: Changes the Dragon Shape feat prerequisite of Wild Shape 6x/day to 5x/day (like the bugged version prior to patch 1.69).
You may also want to use custom portraits.2da & soundset.2da files (such as this one), so you may select the portraits and soundsets of NPCs and creatures during character creation.
Just place the 2da files in your NWN override directory, and they will be active for local games. Please note that the 2da files can interfere with hak packs and other servers, so you may want to remove them before playing elsewhere.
(You do not need to download these files to play on BoW.)
