Neverwinter Convention
Presented by Neverwinter Connections
NWCon III is Wednesday, January 26 to Sunday, January 30, 2005.
NWCon: Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournaments
NWCon is Saturday, October 25 to Sunday, November 2!
Sat 10/25/03 12:15am (20), 10:00pm (16)
Sun 10/26/03 2:00pm (12), 8:00pm (20)
Mon 10/27/03 8:00pm (12)
Tue 10/28/03 8:00pm (16)
Wed 10/29/03 8:00pm (20)
Thu 10/30/03 8:00pm (12)
Fri 10/31/03 6:00pm (16)
Sat 11/1/03 12:15am (20), 10:00pm (16)
Sun 11/2/03 2:00pm (12), 8:00pm (20)
All times are Eastern Time (U.S.). Each session will last approximately two hours.
Description: A special NWCon BoW tournament. All players will be the same level to balance the two teams. Normal BoW characters will not be used, but winners will be rewarded with XP/GP that can be transferred to their ongoing characters. The first 15 minutes of the game will be for players to create their server vault characters, level them up, and equip themselves with BoW custom items. The tournament will consist of 2 or 3 half hour rounds. The first team to win two rounds is victorious. See the BoW guild forum topic for further questions and discussion.
NWCon I BioWare profile: Click Here
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #1
Saturday, 10/25/03, 12:15am ET - Level 20
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Abba Variola (Tinker Ball)
Evil Mechn (Mikey 125)
Fat Cleric (King Azoun V)
Feanor (Radaghast123)
Kaiba Mafein (Kyle Kellam)
Lonely (Lonely From Planet Radio)
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
Siril Ze Cleric (soccerstud2588)
Soul Taker (D3STARD) - left early
Tremain (Tremmie2)
Vashard Ironsourn (Felrazor) - left early
Zoo Keeper Remixed (crips)
boom vegetable (vegetable)
Amelia (Arienne)
Birbag Walf (Agalf) - left early
Chest Rockwell (Aramil D'orn)
Jen The Reaper (The Goddess Jen)
Lobo (Shamen)
Melian Xilo (re-dead)
Michael LaFisca II (lafisca)
Mrs Trapp N Stabb (jam master)
Nahmid Bour (Kollos)
Ra'asiel X (Alieus Neus)
Xithilum (-Ravor-)
Zeros Spellstrike (Zeros_Reaper)
Zincau Nightshadow (hakanubis)
The session started out a bit chaotic with everyone leveling up their characters. This first tournament was for 20th level characters, so it took a while to get started. (Future sessions will also feature 12th and 16th level.) I stupidly didn't password the server, so we had a bunch of unregistered players who wanted to join the fun.
We eventually got the teams assigned and the players voted on which map they wanted for the first round. They picked Halls of Conquest, which is an indoor map with a large room in the center and a few other rooms and hallways off to the sides.
The Good team started the round with an early lead. They got up to 10 points when Evil had only half that. However, Evil quickly rallied and evened the score at 19 points. By mid-round, Evil was leading 60 points to Good's 45. The margin only widened, and Evil finished the round with 123 points to Good's 85.
Evil had more Clerics and archers than Good, and that seemed to make the difference in the large center room. For the second round, the Good team wisely worked together to pick The Labyrinth as the arena. It's another indoor map, but it's fairly small with lots of corridors and corners. It helped Good a lot, because Evil's archers had no room to work, and the spellcasters were limited.
Consequently, the second round was even more exciting. Both teams started neck and neck, and the score was tied at 20 points each. They traded points back and forth and were still even at 32 points. Evil surged and got the score up to 47 points to Good's 40, but Good quickly came back and evened the score at 60 points. The lead went back and forth, and by 78 points, the score was still tied. With only a few minutes remaining in the round, Good took the lead by a couple points, but Evil was able to tie them again at 85 points. In the last minutes, Evil racked up kill after kill, and finished the round with 103 points to Good's 90.
With Evil winning both the first and second round, a third round wasn't needed. The Evil team won the first tournament! Normally, the winning team is rewarded 3,000 XP/GP and the losers get a 1,000 XP/GP consolation prize (which is added to each player's XP Bank account, so they can transfer it to an ongoing BoW character), but for this first tournament -- and first event of NWCon -- each prize was increased by an additional 1,000 XP/GP.
Each member of the winning team also receives an entry in a prize drawing that will award custom appearances to three players at the end of NWCon. This will enable them to play on the ongoing BoW server as an Orc or Lizardman or any humanoid race they choose. (It's a cosmetic change; appearance only.) Players may win multiple entries by participating in multiple tournaments.
Overall, it was a fun session. Good was a little frustrated with some of Evil's anything-goes tactics (runshooting archers and spellcasting Clerics with Improved Expertise), but Good did an amazing job during the second round. It was certainly challenging getting everyone to work together; but, when they did coordinate their tactics, they overcame some impressive opposition. However, in the end, it wasn't enough to overtake Evil's strong characters.
I believe Amelia (Good) was the only character to achieve a Savage Bloodfrenzy during the session; she racked up an impressive string of kills. There were a few team kills, but Mrs Trapp N Stabb (Good) stood out as a melee rogue who managed to twice accidently sneak attack her own team mate.
I think everyone had fun though. The second BoW tournament is scheduled for 10:00pm ET, Saturday, Oct. 24. There's still a couple slots available. You can register for future NWCon BoW tournaments and other exciting NWCon events here.
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #2
Saturday, 10/25/03, 10:00pm ET - Level 16
The Evil team wins in three rounds!
Amywiell Bowman (sean_bow)
BAO BAO (angeline chase)
Bob (Blake Whelm) (Agalf)
Chest Rockwell (Aramil D'orn)
Crit Commader (crips)
Felore (-Ravor-)
Frenzy (Tremmie2)
Jen (The Goddess Jen)
Lady Deathlocke (spigel1)
Michael LaFisca II (lafisca)
Mr Fynger Stabb (jam master)
Rob Cow (zercman 2)
Siril The Super (soccerstud2588)
Valor Xilo (re-dead)
Zincau Nightshadow (hakanubis)
Abbas Penetration (Tinker Ball)
Amitia (Arienne)
BarTiki (DarkWaffle)
Barbie (mkozar)
Droolio (Slygar)
Evil Mechns (Mikey 125)
Fat Cleric (King Azoun V)
Karun (MegaZeroX)
Lonely (Lonely From Planet Radio)
ManiacMatt (Maniac_Matt)
Nahmid D (Kollos)
Negnus (Keith1356)
Nerev of Winterfell (Feeble Minded)
Zen II (virtuzoso)
Round 1 map: The Labyrinth
GOOD WINS! Evil: 123.9 points (132 kills) Good: 137.6 points (129 kills)
Round 2 map: Mad Maude's Bordello and Pub (created by Istyan the Fiend)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 123.1 points (122 kills) Good: 87.2 points (88 kills)
Round 3 map: Sewers of Slaughter
EVIL WINS! Evil: 109.6 points (120 kills) Good: 95.7 points (87 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #3
Sunday, 10/26/03, 2:00pm ET - Level 12
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Athena (HiphopRandom)
Behemot (Tremmie2)
Deku (The brother)
Felice Fleshrender (ashcaster)
Fifur Bowman (sean_bow)
Hogs tourney fighter (hog13)
Jinx Mano (kovi2)
Kali Alix'ndra (Kali Alix'ndra)
Michael LaFisca III (lafisca)
Nahmid (Kollos)
Nick Xilo (re-dead)
Young Lucy (jolt)
just a vegetable (vegetable)
2B TIKI (DarkWaffle)
Allaghar Moonblade (Kinthalis ThornBlade)
Archmagus Lekad (-Ravor-)
Bao2 (angeline chase)
Celalduil Arden (Fridgee)
HolyWar2 (Maniac_Matt)
Inferno Blacklight (Forgotten Mercury)
Jen The Wiz (The Goddess Jen)
Miss Thug Di'mana (Brugo)
Negnus2 (Keith1356)
Nerev the Strike (Feeble Minded)
Ramp (Mikey 125)
Zincau (hakanubis)
Round 1 map: Sewers of Slaughter
GOOD WINS! Evil: 70.0 points (70 kills) Good: 112.4 points (113 kills)
Round 2 map: The Labyrinth
GOOD WINS! Evil: 106.1 points (105 kills) Good: 130.2 points (133 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #4
Sunday, 10/26/03, 8:00pm ET - Level 20
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Amelia (Arienne)
Amywiell Bowman (sean_bow)
Droolio (Slygar)
Eowomir Jr'eiwalle (jr98466)
Feanor (Radaghast123)
Happy Avatar (klubz)
Ilorin (Aramil D'orn)
Jen The Wiz (The Goddess Jen)
Khali Alix'ndra (Kali Alix'ndra)
Liz The Spider (Mikey 125)
Melle the Goddess Fryar (Rainywinter)
Rob Balor (zercman 2)
Sir Fink, Sorcerer Supreme (ashcaster)
Siril Ze Cleric (soccerstud2588)
Tremain (Tremmie2)
Émilio (dnladt)
AATiki (DarkWaffle) - left early
Athena (HiphopRandom)
Brandon Lee (SwitchFoot)
Crackerjack (-Ravor-)
Dorn Stoneshield (Capulcu)
Galen Uth Matar (Kinthalis ThornBlade) - left early
Hogs tourney fighter (hog13)
Kyr (MegaZeroX)
Lady Deathstrike (spigel1)
Matt the Maniac (Maniac_Matt)
Melian Xilo (re-dead)
Michael LaFisca IV (lafisca)
Mr Abba Kadabrae (Tinker Ball)
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
Slick (Felrazor)
Zincau Nightshadow (hakanubis)
Round 1 map: Ruined City
GOOD WINS! Evil: 71.9 points (72 kills) Good: 139.4 points (138 kills)
Round 2 map: Map: Temple of the Winds (created by Kragus Wyrmslayer)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 76.0 points (74 kills) Good: 167.0 points (172 kills)
We ended the evening with a mass last-man-standing bout in which Melian Xilo (re-dead) won 5,000 XP/GP.
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #5
Monday, 10/27/03, 8:00pm ET - Level 12
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Behemot (Tremmie2)
Brock Landers (Aramil D'orn)
Dru (realtoppatop)
Holy Avatar (klubz)
Keibler (spigel1)
Krok (Osmanthus)
Lizzy (Mikey 125)
Nahmid (Kollos)
Nerev the Nuker (Feeble Minded)
Nick Xilo (re-dead)
RoTiki (DarkWaffle)
Sgrios (-Ravor-)
Abba Reston (Tinker Ball)
Amastacia (Arienne)
Birk (Keith1356)
Caldor (Radaghast123)
Droolio Witch Doctor (Slygar)
Jen The Wiz (The Goddess Jen)
Kasumi (Maniac_Matt)
Kol (MegaZeroX)
Madame Fink, Sorceress Supreme (ashcaster)
Michael LaFisca V (lafisca)
Sirilist (soccerstud2588)
Wizzy Bowman (sean_bow)
Round 1 map: Halls of Conquest
EVIL WINS! Evil: 84.8 points (86 kills) Good: 70.7 points (70 kills)
Round 2 map: Death Pit 2
EVIL WINS! Evil: 109.5 points (107 kills) Good: 91.1 points (93 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #6
Tuesday, 10/28/03, 8:00pm ET - Level 16
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Amandur Xilo (re-dead)
Amywielll Bowman (sean_bow)
Bane (Keith1356)
Drekni (Vusak)
Falacy (Arienne)
Jen The Wiz (The Goddess Jen)
Karis (Death_Strike)
Lady Deathlocke (spigel1)
Mr Was A Trapper (Tinker Ball)
Nerev the Spammer (Feeble Minded)
Shadow Avatar (klubz)
Whacky Merin (jolt)
veggie go boom (vegetable)
Bezgin Bekir (Capulcu)
Droolio Gone Wild (Slygar)
Felore (-Ravor-)
Frenzy (Tremmie2)
Jurojin (Shard2581)
Karun (MegaZeroX) - left early
Krok (Osmanthus)
Selena (Maniac_Matt)
Tasha, Queen of the Jungle (ashcaster)
Vankofvich (dnladt)
Zincau Nightshadow (hakanubis)
dan-o (dan talmon)
Round 1 map: The Labyrinth
EVIL WINS! Evil: 123.8 points (116 kills) Good: 106.8 points (111 kills)
Round 2 map: Mad Maude's Bordello and Pub (created by Istyan the Fiend)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 100.7 points (102 kills) Good: 85.9 points (85 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #7
Wednesday, 10/29/03, 8:00pm ET - Level 20
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Calduran Leonson (Radaghast123)
Carin Bummed (Kielvon)
Droolio IV (Slygar)
Fluffy Abba (Tinker Ball)
Happy Avatar (klubz)
Karis (1) (Death_Strike)
Michael LaFisca VII (lafisca)
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
Rincewind Xilo (re-dead)
Severe (_Severe-)
Siril The Counterrr (soccerstud2588)
Tremain (Tremmie2)
Émilio (dnladt)
Adeva (-Ravor-)
Amelia (Arienne)
Axconis (Axconis)
Dreknii (Vusak)
KIll Bill (spasecowboyyy)
Lady Deathstrike (spigel1)
Nahmid Bour (Kollos)
Tasha Tuneslinger (ashcaster)
UnHoly War (Maniac_Matt)
Zincau Nightshadow (hakanubis)
benzigami Rydralle (Kyle Kellam)
Round 1 map: Death Pit 2
GOOD WINS! Evil: 96.3 points (93 kills) Good: 133.6 points (138 kills)
Round 2 map: Halls of Conquest
GOOD WINS! Evil: 81.0 points (76 kills) Good: 91.4 points (97 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #8
Thursday, 10/30/03, 8:00pm ET - Level 12
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Amelia Darkheart (Stryger)
Bane2 (Keith1356)
Carin Spellcaster (Kielvon)
Counted (Infragment)
Deep Fried Mars Bars (Arienne)
DoomFighter's Super Rogue (DoomFighter) - left early
Karathon (-Ravor-)
Karis (2) (Death_Strike)
Koirin Amerthik (Pandemic1)
Meffe Fryar (Rainywinter)
Nick Xilo (re-dead)
Rexxar (Mahime)
Scary Matt (Maniac_Matt)
Siril The Healer (soccerstud2588)
Tiny Tiki (DarkWaffle)
Zyan (Tremmie2)
dan-o (dan talmon)
Ap Hill (Ap Hill) - left early
Arture (dnladt)
Bessy (Ecthalon)
Celebalph Grimwolf (KainGrimwolf)
Droolio Moo (Slygar)
Fontaine (spigel1)
Holy Avatar (klubz)
Jinx Mano (kovi2)
Kol (MegaZeroX) - left early
Lizzy (Mikey 125)
MAXI The Happy Slasher (MAXI LAIO71)
Medic (Archnight)
Michael LaFisca IIX (lafisca) - left early
Nerev the Nuker (Feeble Minded)
Phobos (Phobos_11)
Red Whine (MousePotato) - left early
Thanos the Transmuter (ashcaster)
Zincau (hakanubis)
Round 1 map: Forsaken Mines
GOOD WINS! Evil: 134.7 points (136 kills) Good: 157.9 points (157 kills)
Round 2 map: Death Pit 2
GOOD WINS! Evil: 145.8 points (146 kills) Good: 159.1 points (159 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #9
Friday, 10/31/03, 6:00pm ET - Level 16
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Bezgin Bekir (Capulcu)
Brooklyn Brawler (Ap Hill)
Lemon Head's Bitter Daughter (Rainywinter)
Mr Fynger Stabb (jam master)
Nerev the Spammer (Feeble Minded)
Risin Dragn (Risin_Dragn)
Severe Sephiroth (_Severe-)
Tickity Booo (Shanners)
Tilun Wind (Stevis)
Vae (-Ravor-)
Voidwalker (fasterhooves)
a vegetable (vegetable)
crips (crips)
Abbas Penetration (Tinker Ball)
Agora (dnladt)
Bhaal II (killah760)
Deku The Killer Clown (The brother)
Fenko (Pirate721)
Frenzy (Tremmie2)
Michael LaFisca IX (lafisca)
No Prefix Tiki (DarkWaffle)
Sirl Amar (soccerstud2588)
Tulic (Tulic)
Tuzes Leanyka (kovi2)
Zincau Nightshadow (hakanubis)
Round 1 map: Death Pit 2
EVIL WINS! Evil: 118.5 points (117 kills) Good: 103.8 points (105 kills)
Round 2 map: Halls of Conquest
EVIL WINS! Evil: 127.0 points (128 kills) Good: 103.6 points (103 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #10
Saturday, 11/1/03, 12:15am ET - Level 20
The Good team wins in three rounds!
Bess (Ecthalon)
Crips (crips)
Imorn Dragh (Imorn)
MedivalMidget (O-Dawg)
Negnus6 (Keith1356) - left early
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
Olos Noelopan (Antonymous5)
Rincewind Xilo (re-dead)
Severe Sephiroth (_Severe-)
Siril Ze Cleric (soccerstud2588)
Toman Jars (Pirate721)
Vol (TheShizzo)
Vost Silverleaf (HeronDacre)
AATiki (DarkWaffle)
Carla (dnladt)
Golem (REPTILE03) - left early
Hammer of Bogardan (ppsantos)
Jonathan Neitzel (Chizbo)
Kaila (rav_29)
Lizzy Smendal (Mikey 125)
Melle the Goddess Fryar (Rainywinter)
Nahmid Stonebrew (Kollos)
Sir Fink (ashcaster)
Tilun Wind (Stevis)
Zachan Tannen (Angel123123)
shadow of a vegetable (vegetable)
Round 1 map: Halls of Conquest
EVIL WINS! Evil: 98.4 points (101 kills) Good: 91.7 points (90 kills)
Round 2 map: Dark Woods
GOOD WINS! Evil: 91.7 points (94 kills) Good: 94.3 points (92 kills)
Round 3 map: The Labyrinth
GOOD WINS! Evil: 76.0 points (76 kills) Good: 84.8 points (85 kills)
This had to be the best NWCon tournament so far. The action was intense, and both teams had amazing teamwork. The first round was close the whole time, and Evil squeaked ahead in the last minutes. The second round was equally close with the lead trading back and forth. The score was so close, I was worried we were going to end up with a tie. Good made a comeback and beat Evil by only 2 kills. The third round was a great capper. Good was able to take a small lead and hold it. Evil kept pushing and caught up a couple times, but Good was able to hold their edge and win the round by just a few kills. Good came back from losing the first round to win the tournament. Each teams' rewards were increased by 1,000 XP/GP in honor of the fine job by all.
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #11
Saturday, 11/1/03, 10:00pm ET - Level 16
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Aniril (Tulic)
Bessie (Ecthalon)
Blackbane (BigDman)
Boidoc Hedge (angeline chase)
Lana Smendal (Mikey 125)
Nahmid Drunken (Kollos)
Nerev the Spammer (Feeble Minded)
Papa Joe Murphy (Boone96)
Salen LifeHealer (Robin Mayne)
Siril The Glorious (soccerstud2588)
WiTiki (DarkWaffle)
Wizzy Alternate (Phobos_11)
Émilio twin (dnladt)
Bezgin Bekir (Capulcu)
Carin The Healer (Kielvon)
Counted (Infragment)
Danton Tourney (Thor Skulkrush)
Frenzy (Tremmie2)
Fuse Angel (HellsKillerAngel)
Goldfinger (fasterhooves)
Kaila Fiera (rav_29)
Korr Bowman (sean_bow)
Locubus Acidicus (NCP)
ManiacMatt (Maniac_Matt) - left early
Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi (Salahuddin)
Slade (-Ravor-)
dumbo (dan talmon)
Round 1 map: The Labyrinth
GOOD WINS! Evil: 104.2 points (103 kills) Good: 138.7 points (140 kills)
Round 2 map: Forsaken Mines
GOOD WINS! Evil: 111.5 points (106 kills) Good: 137.0 points (143 kills)
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #12
Sunday, 11/2/03, 2:00pm ET - Level 12
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Arture (dnladt)
Celalduil Arden (Fridgee)
Meffe Fryar (Rainywinter)
Mrs Am Killa (Tinker Ball)
Nahmid Binksden (Kollos)
Nerev the Nuker (Feeble Minded)
Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi (Salahuddin)
Sgrios (-Ravor-)
WiTiki II (DarkWaffle)
Zrack Smendal (Mikey 126)
shadow vegetable (vegetable)
Carin Late (Kielvon)
Crimson Cheeks (MorriganSmith)
Danton Tourney2 (Thor Skulkrush)
Jinx Mano (kovi2)
Lomelor (Tulic)
Memetix (Memetix)
Michael LaFisca X (lafisca)
Miss Thug Di'mana (Brugo)
Nick Xilo (re-dead)
Sirils Ugly (soccerstud2588)
White Mage (angeline chase) - left early
Zyan (Tremmie2)
Round 1 map: Forsaken Mines
EVIL WINS! Evil: 108.7 points (107 kills) Good: 103.6 points (103 kills)
Round 2 map: Halls of Conquest
EVIL WINS! Evil: 110.7 points (114 kills) Good: 109.4 points (107 kills)
This was a great match. During the first round, Evil led most of the time by a very small margin. Good kept catching up, but they just couldn't overtake. The second round was a squeaker. Evil and Good kept trading the lead back and forth. When the 30 second warning sounded, Good was leading by just a few points. In the very last seconds (literally!), Evil scored a couple kills to win the tourney. It couldn't have been closer.
The last NWCon BoW tournament will be held at 8:00pm ET this evening. The custom appearance drawing will be held tomorrow, Monday at 8:00pm ET in the Inn of War. Three custom skins will be given away; each NWCon winning team member received an entry.
NWCon Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #13
Sunday, 11/2/03, 8:00pm ET - Level 20
The Good team wins in two rounds!
AATiki (DarkWaffle)
Amelia (Arienne)
Beaver Fever (Lore WreXor)
Bull (HeronDacre)
Demonick (Demonick)
Frain (MorriganSmith)
Jaime Lannister (Dreakoth)
Kaila (rav_29)
Karis (4) (Death_Strike)
King Kong (dan talmon)
Melle the Goddess Fryar (Rainywinter)
Nahmid Basher (Kollos)
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
Phrenzy (Tremmie2)
Severe Sephiroth (_Severe-)
magic vegetable (vegetable)
Amywiellll Bowman (sean_bow)
Aniril (Tulic)
Dairk Morcadassíe (ADAL-IstyanFiend)
Dante Feard (BattleAxe)
Danton Tourney3 (Thor Skulkrush)
Dark Queen (spigel1)
Dorn Stoneshield (Capulcu)
Drebuggeritimalamecleric (Vusak)
Finelleen (dnladt)
Hammer of Bogardan II (ppsantos)
Lana Smendal (Mikey 125)
Nocturnal (-Ravor-)
Sirilitism (soccerstud2588)
Tuzes Leanyzo (kovi2)
Vol (TheShizzo) - left early
Zincau Nightshadow (hakanubis)
Round 1 map: The Labyrinth
GOOD WINS! Evil: 113.6 points (113 kills) Good: 169.2 points (170 kills)
Round 2 map: Halls of Conquest
GOOD WINS! Evil: 127.6 points (128 kills) Good: 163.0 points (163 kills)
This is the final NWCon BoW Tournament. Thank you to all who participated. Information on the custom appearance drawing can be found on the guild forum at forum.bastionsofwar.com.
Bastions of War is a persistent Team PvP Arena server that's open 24x7 at direct connect IP nwn.bastionsofwar.com.
13 tournaments
357 player slots (average 27 per tourney)
305 login names
283 unique players (based on CD Key)
NWCon: Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournaments
NWCon II: Hordes of the Internet is Friday, April 16 to Sunday, April 18!
Fri 4/16/04 12:15am (40), 4:15pm (30), 8:15pm (20)
Sat 4/17/04 12:15am (20), 4:15pm (40), 8:15pm (30)
Sun 4/18/04 12:15am (30), 4:15pm (20), 8:15pm (40)
BoW requires both expansions (SoU & HotU). The tournament server is at direct connect IP address nwn.bastionsofwar.com:5128 and will be open starting Thursday, April 15. The server will be available between tournaments for server vault character creation. All times are Eastern Time (U.S.). Each session will last approximately two hours.
Description: A special NWCon BoW tournament. All players will be the same level (20, 30 or 40) to balance the two teams. Normal BoW characters will not be used, but winners will be rewarded 30,000 XP/GP that can be transferred to their ongoing characters. Players should join the tournament server anytime before their tournament slot to create, level up, and equip a character of the required level. The tournament will consist of 2 or 3 half hour rounds. The first team to win two rounds is victorious. See the BoW guild forum topic for further questions and discussion.
NWCon II BioWare profile: Click Here
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #1
Friday, 4/16/04, 12:15am ET - Level 40
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Allpowerful (Allpowerful)
AOD Deaths Right Hand AOD (AngelOfDeath01)
Assassin's Wizard (-Apollo-)
Celas II (Azkiger)
Elvin Reltana (Bwookie)
Granny (jioge)
Henning (Arcane_Magi)
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
Shadowdude 40 (had3l)
Erke (hakanubis)
Iris Everstar (Ecthalon)
Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
Mastery (_Khaos_)
Shadow King (AbsoluteZero_)
Sir Fink (sirfink)
Sneakier Penguin (Elyvin)
Thomas of Hookton (virtuzoso)
Whittle (knocknacht)
Round 1 map: Two Forts (created by Carthorn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 55.2 (52 kills) Good: 41.1 (41 kills)
Round 2 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 66.9 (63 kills) Good: 55.1 (55 kills)
Winning team members receive 30,000 deposited to their XP Bank accounts. Losing team members receive 15,000.
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #2
Friday, 4/16/04, 4:15pm ET - Level 30
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Aniril the Sneak (Gotanks)
AOD Death Tip AOD (AngelOfDeath01)
Balthazzar (da938)
Caldor Redrine (razor011)
Grandor Ampraphel (Knight of Valor)
Gregorian Chant Penguin (Elyvin)
Jupiter Erday (Thundarian)
Kara Aseph (hakanubis)
Kurse (Pillow Biter)
Lemon Head's Bitter Daughter (Rainywinter)
Ranger RiCc (ricadro)
Shadowdude 30 (had3l)
Sugnar NWCon (Actonix)
Trump Card (AbsoluteZero_)
Adriadne (Arienne)
Assassin's Monk (-Apollo-)
Bhaal (killah760)
Carrot Ironfoundersson (thedewan)
Dynellen Erday (ADAL_Dynellen)
Elvis II (Bwookie)
Felicity Shagwell (Dargoan)
Fiendish Assassin (Broad1866)
Malrion Doomgard (NoiLam)
Merin the Betrayer (jolt)
Raiza Everstar (Ecthalon)
Rhee II (endrebuild)
Rob Zombie (Kuso___)
Taste Magic and Die (zach.uk)
Round 1 map: Farmland (created by Entreri)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 79.4 (69 kills) Good: 93.9 (94 kills)
Round 2 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 71.8 (65 kills) Good: 91.9 (92 kills)
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #3
Friday, 4/16/04, 8:15pm ET - Level 20
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
AOD Death Tip AOD (AngelOfDeath01)
Arty (hakanubis)
Carin Nereiwaladystine (Kielvon)
Danton Bardic (Thor Skulkrush)
Erday Penguin (Elyvin)
HEALER ROB (Kuso___)
Hide N Sneek (Grunthor01)
Juniper Everstar (Ecthalon)
Melle the Goddess Fryar (Rainywinter)
Nutsy (Bwookie)
Paratwa (NiteReaverII)
Shadowdude 20 (had3l)
Sheena 400 (sayamarlz)
worthles Razenk (razor011)
Younger Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
Aniril is Still Alive (Gotanks)
Bhaal Reborn (killah760)
Broad (Broad1866)
Lil Stabb (Tinker Ball)
Malrion Ungorge (NoiLam)
Nerev the Arch Lich (Feeble Minded)
Old school RiCc (ricadro)
Rednarik Kneecapper (jioge)
Sir Fink Sorcerer Supreme (sirfink)
Thundarian V Erday (Thundarian)
Winter Solstice (Arienne)
Zauriel (Pillow Biter)
Round 1 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 115.0 (111 kills) Good: 94.0 (93 kills)
Round 2 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 107.1 (103 kills) Good: 96.6 (91 kills)
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #4
Friday, 4/17/04, 12:15am ET - Level 20
The Evil team wins in three rounds!
Aniril is Still Alive (Gotanks)
AOD Death Tip AOD (AngelOfDeath01)
Arty (hakanubis)
CoreX Con (Starvation-knight of the Four)
Juniper Everstar (Ecthalon)
Malrion Ungorge (NoiLam)
Melle the Goddess Fryar (Rainywinter)
Sir Fink Midget Mincer (sirfink)
slipaway (knocknacht)
Vail (Lord Datronar)
worthles Razenk (razor011)
Younger Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
Zauriel (Pillow Biter)
Abba Critter (Tinker Ball)
Bleon (Cretin0)
Blue Penguin (Elyvin)
Celas IV (Azkiger)
Fleece (Slygar)
godless percept (directrealist)
Healing hands Stabbetta (thedewan)
Mastery IV (_Khaos_)
Nerev the Arch Lich (Feeble Minded)
Nutsy version one pt one (Bwookie)
Sheena 4000 (sayamarlz)
Sorc RiCc (ricadro)
Round 1 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 94.2 (89 kills) Good: 87.8 (81 kills)
Round 2 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 83.3 (81 kills) Good: 85.1 (83 kills)
Round 3 map: The Labyrinth (created by Jibekn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 113.0 (104 kills) Good: 97.8 (94 kills)
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #5
Friday, 4/17/04, 4:15pm ET - Level 40
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Balthazzar's PA (da938)
Carin Jadys'varion (Kielvon)
Elder Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
Entreri (hakanubis)
Felicity Shagwell (Dargoan)
Isenduil Kalle (Azkiger)
Juston Welter (razor011)
Lemon Head's Bitter Older Daughter (Rainywinter)
Malekith (Pillow Biter)
Merdock (Nimbrethil)
RiCc Pally reBorn (ricadro)
Stealthy Penguin (Elyvin)
007 Stabb (Tinker Ball)
Arch Broad (Broad1866)
Assassin shifter (-Apollo-)
Bhaal II (killah760)
Blackthorne (illegal entry)
Danton Redbeard (Thor Skulkrush)
Goodie lil Two Shoes (Bwookie)
Gytha Ogg (thedewan)
Kung Fu Fink II (sirfink)
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
Nightwish (Snickerz)
Tiny Dreams (Tinyzzz)
trulez (trulez)
Round 1 map: Farmland (created by Entreri)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 89.7 (91 kills) Good: 56.9 (52 kills)
Round 2 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 75.3 (77 kills) Good: 57.5 (54 kills)
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #6
Friday, 4/17/04, 8:15pm ET - Level 30
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Abba Dabba Doo (Tinker Ball)
Adriadne (Arienne)
Beowulf (Pillow Biter)
Caldor Redrine (razor011)
Gregorian Chant Penguin (Elyvin)
Hakan (hakanubis)
Healer Dweia (Dweia_)
Jaron Ashallian (Cowboy124)
Lemon Head's Bitter Daughter (Rainywinter)
MC Hammer (Nelor_Jarna)
Patrice Everstar (Ecthalon)
RiCc ReMaDe (ricadro)
Shadowdude 30 Dv2 (had3l)
Sir Fink Serenader (sirfink)
Trapper 7 (Smeageal)
A'Riad'Ne A'Run'Del (jioge)
Aniril the Puncher (Gotanks)
Brutus (Broad1866)
Carin Singhs Better (Kielvon)
Celas (Azkiger)
Danton Bardic II (Thor Skulkrush)
Eredril (Aramil D'orn)
Lemon Head's Bitter Daughter (Rainywinter)
Master (thedewan)
Middle-aged Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
Nerev of Dragonstone (Feeble Minded)
Paratwa (NiteReaverII)
Rendar (Roagie)
slipaway (knocknacht)
Timmy (Bwookie)
Round 1 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 66.4 (60 kills) Good: 119.0 (119 kills)
Round 2 map: Shadow Desert (created by Inferno)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 53.2 (54 kills) Good: 75.0 (68 kills)
The second round was cut short, so a bonus round with different teams was held.
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #7
Friday, 4/18/04, 12:15am ET - Level 30
The Evil team wins in three rounds!
Asesinato (virtuzoso)
Carin Makes a Better 30 (Kielvon)
Chicken Little (Slygar)
Nerev of Dragonstone (Feeble Minded)
Patrice Everstar (Ecthalon)
RiccccCCcc II (ricadro)
Slicer (Xee Thot)
The Mage (Broad1866)
Zod (Pillow Biter)
Adriadne (Arienne)
AOD Death Strike AOD (AngelOfDeath01)
Blade (Roagie)
Celas Tha Holy (Azkiger)
CoreX ConII (Starvation-knight of the Four)
godless brute (directrealist)
Lemon Head's Bitter Daughter (Rainywinter)
Middle-aged Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
Sorceria Sannesen (hakanubis)
Round 1 map: Forgotten Pain (created by Rainywinter)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 86.2 (90 kills) Good: 86.6 (76 kills)
Round 2 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 71.4 (72 kills) Good: 60.8 (52 kills)
Round 3 map: The Labyrinth (created by Jibekn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 71.3 (73 kills) Good: 64.5 (56 kills)
This was an amazing match with the lead trading back and forth between each team throughout every round. Besides a couple mages and corner sneakers, most players were tanks -- with lots of Dev Critting.
The Evil team had the lead for most of the first round until the last few minutes when Good stole it. The score see-sawed back and forth and Good took it in the last seconds -- winning the round by 0.4 points.
Round two was much like the first one with Evil leading most of the time. Good kept catching up, but couldn't overtake Evil. This time, Evil had the push at the end to keep their lead and even increase it a bit just before the buzzer.
With each team winning one round each, the third round was a scorcher. Rewards were increased to 40,000 XP/GP for the winning team, and 20,000 for the losers, so everyones' blood was pumping. Evil started with a small lead, but Good quickly took it and, unlike the previous two rounds, held the lead for most of the round. Evil caught up with about 10 minutes remaining, and the lead was trading back and forth literally kill-by-kill. With Evil leading by only a couple points, Good got a little desperate at the end and threw themselves at the enemy, which allowed Evil to rack up a few last second points and insure the win.
The whole tourney was razor thin close, and everyone seemed to have a blast. Good game!
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #8
Friday, 4/18/04, 4:15pm ET - Level 20
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Amelia (Arienne)
Aniril is Still Alive (Gotanks)
AOD LongRage 20 AOD (AngelOfDeath01)
Arty (hakanubis)
Belthazzar (da938)
Chimaira (Snickerz)
Erday Penguin (Elyvin)
Jakk (AbsoluteZero_)
Malrion Ungorge (NoiLam)
Mastery of the Flame (_Khaos_)
Melle the Goddess Fryar (Rainywinter)
RiCc the sorc II (ricadro)
Wolfman Bob (Pillow Biter)
Apu (Lord Striker)
Assassins fighter (-Apollo-)
Dynellen The Dwarven Erday (ADAL_Dynellen)
Gytha Ogg (thedewan)
Hedia (JoeMauer)
Juniper Everstar (Ecthalon)
Nerev CaVaCommeCiCommeCa (Feeble Minded)
Punky Brewster 2 (Bwookie)
Sir Fink Axe Chucker (sirfink)
Tiny Dreams's Little Brother (Tinyzzz)
Wolfman Bob (Pillow Biter)
worthless Danicen (razor011)
Round 1 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 90.9 (86 kills) Good: 127.7 (120 kills)
Round 2 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 89.1 (86 kills) Good: 118.9 (105 kills)
NWCon II Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #9
Friday, 4/18/04, 8:15pm ET - Level 40
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Aniril the Silent Fist (Gotanks)
AOD Long Shot 40L AOD (AngelOfDeath01)
aRicC de Pally IIIII (ricadro)
Assassin's Assassin (-Apollo-)
Belorfin Blake (razor011)
Big Smash (Pillow Biter)
Ella (knocknacht)
Nerev the Spider (Feeble Minded)
O-Dawg (O-Dawg)
Paratwaa Jr'ein (NiteReaverII)
Red (Roagie)
Selene Everstar (Ecthalon)
Shadow Nemesis (-Dragonbane)
Shadowdude 40 (had3l)
Abba Kadabbra (Tinker Ball)
Arianna (Arienne)
Boinus (JoeMauer)
chuin (Temetounrayo)
Danton III (Thor Skulkrush)
Elith Dana (Bwookie)
Entreri (hakanubis)
Freeze (The Noose)
III Mastery III The Disciplined (_Khaos_)
Malrion Ungorge (NoiLam)
Shadow King (AbsoluteZero_)
Sir Fink Iron Man (sirfink)
Stealthy Penguin (Elyvin)
Xee Thot (Xee Thot)
Round 1 map: Halls of Conquest (created by Jibekn)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 72.0 (69 kills) Good: 81.3 (83 kills)
Round 2 map: The Labyrinth (created by Jibekn)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 57.7 (56 kills) Good: 118.2 (118 kills)
NWCon: Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournaments
NWCon 2.5: Hordes of the Internet is Saturday, September 25 and Sunday, September 26!
Sat 9/25/04 12:15am (40), 4:15pm (30), 8:15pm (20)
Sun 9/26/04 12:15am (30), 4:15pm (20), 8:15pm (40)
BoW requires both expansions (SoU & HotU). The tournament server is at direct connect IP address nwn.bastionsofwar.com:5128 and will be open starting Friday, September 24. The server will be available between tournaments for server vault character creation. All times are Eastern Time (U.S.). Each session will last approximately two hours.
Description: A special NWCon BoW tournament. All players will be the same level (20, 30 or 40) to balance the two teams. Normal BoW characters will not be used, but winners will be rewarded 45,000 XP/GP that can be transferred to their ongoing characters. Players should join the tournament server anytime before their tournament slot to create, level up, and equip a character of the required level. The tournament will consist of 2 or 3 half hour rounds. The first team to win two rounds is victorious. See the BoW guild forum topic for further questions and discussion.
NWCon 2.5 Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #1
Saturday, 9/25/04, 12:15am ET - Level 40
The Evil team wins in three rounds!
Da Runt (stinkerbug)
Henning the Sneaker (Arcane_Magi)
Hirk Ugor (Bwookie)
Insurrection (-Ninian-)
KenBo (Greatheart)
Lizzy (Mikey 125)
Lost Angel v2 (TrueAngel)
Moose IV (Grunthor02)
Nerev The Spider (Feeble Minded)
trulez the Singing Undead (trulez)
Bo'Wight (jioge)
Elphaba (Ecthalon)
Kaszabolo Rem (kovi2)
Lockindal the Unhappy Healer (Lockindal)
Mélusine (sunnylemondrop)
Naithin Nahilin (Naithin)
Shadowdude 40 (had3l)
Z RiCc Z (ricadro)
Round 1 map: Death Pit 2 (created by Jibekn & Istyan the Fiend)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 49.1 (47 kills) Good: 50.4 (48 kills)
Round 2 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 41.4 (40 kills) Good: 23.7 (22 kills)
Round 3 map: Forgotten Pain (created by Rainywinter)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 26.0 (25 kills) Good: 13.6 (13 kills)
Good dominated most of the first round. Evil made a strong push and nearly caught up, but Good squeaked out a win. The second round was a big change with Evil smartly defending hard-to-attack positions on the map. Good never got their act together, and Evil easily won. Evil used the exact same strategy on the last map; and, unfortunately, Good seemed to give up and handed the game to Evil. Evil's superior teamwork and tactics dominated.
Winning team members receive 30,000 deposited to their XP Bank accounts. Losing team members receive 15,000.
NWCon 2.5 Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #2
Saturday, 9/25/04, 4:15pm ET - Level 30
The Good team wins in two rounds!
Bhaal re (killah760)
Carin Makes a Better 30 (Kielvon)
Fade (_admortis_)
Gattino (sunnylemondrop)
Ifj Kaszabolo Rem (kovi2)
Lefur Maydur (roadkill4)
Lemon Head's Bitter Daughter the 2nd (Rainywinter)
Magister (WarWizard4Hire)
Middle-aged Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
Nerev the Force Commander (Feeble Minded)
Rosetta Everstar (Ecthalon)
Shiny Doom Paladin (Aardvark_lord)
Spirit of Slaughter (Spirit_of_Night)
Terminator (Imoltrayr)
Ambulance Chaser (Bwookie)
Broad Melven (-Broad-)
Crusader (agelessdemon76)
Danton L30 (Thor Skulkrush)
Davey Jones II (BoB at BoW)
Dragon Hackzaw (Quiin)
Duffman (Lord Striker)
Felicity Reltana (Dargoan)
Liz Smendy (Mikey 125)
Lockindal the Mega Armored Magic Artillery Unit of Annoyance (Lockindal)
Rand BladeWalker (savagefool)
Raziel Con (RaZieL666)
Sing for the King (da938)
Th3 Slay3r (ulinvampslayer)
Round 1 map: Death Pit 2 (created by Jibekn & Istyan the Fiend)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 77.8 (70 kills) Good: 81.2 (81 kills)
Round 2 map: Two Forts (created by Carthorn)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 75.2 (69 kills) Good: 93.8 (95 kills)
NWCon 2.5 Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #3
Saturday, 9/25/04, 8:15pm ET - Level 20
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Broad Aerlian (-Broad-)
Danton L20 (Thor Skulkrush)
Flora (Ecthalon)
Lizzy Returns (Mikey 125)
Lockindal the Demolition Soldier (Lockindal)
Magister LvL 20 (WarWizard4Hire)
Retired Cleric (Grendel Knight)
Younger Killer Angel (TrueAngel)
F'Ool (jioge)
Isis (niewypal)
Merogrin Torn (Bwookie)
Mulva (Aramil D'orn)
Necrucifer Returned (Imoltrayr)
Rand DeathRaiser (savagefool)
Sigilosa (sunnylemondrop)
Sir Fink Slayer of Gibberlings (sirfink)
Wasa Shadowsong (Masteryoda_nik)
Round 1 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 44.2 (43 kills) Good: 29.9 (27 kills)
Round 2 map: Two Forts (created by Carthorn)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 59.9 (55 kills) Good: 20.5 (20 kills)
NWCon 2.5 Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #4
Saturday, 9/26/04, 12:15am ET - Level 30
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Amelia (StalkerX)
Da Runt (stinkerbug)
Dweia the Arion Wanabee (Dweia_)
Henning the Willbender (Arcane_Magi)
Kaya Swift (Tissa Forrest)
KenBo the Younger (Greatheart)
Liza (Mikey 125)
Moose X (Grunthor02)
Sue Ellen (Aramil D'orn)
Xithilum (-Ninian-)
Crassus (sunnylemondrop)
Crazy Horse (cculianu)
Drin Undenfoot (ernie72)
Flora's Huntress (Ecthalon)
Freak (TreeHuggers)
Herek (SharpKAC)
Ifj Kaszabolo Rem (kovi2)
Lemon Head's Bitter Daughter the 2nd (Rainywinter)
Nerev the Force Commander (Feeble Minded)
Samurai Angel (TrueAngel)
Round 1 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 45.8 (48 kills) Good: 29.9 (25 kills)
Round 2 map: Forgotten Pain (created by Rainywinter)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 53.9 (55 kills) Good: 27.5 (24 kills)
NWCon 2.5 Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #5
Saturday, 9/26/04, 4:15pm ET - Level 20
The Evil team wins in three rounds!
Calduil DeVir (Euan_De_V)
Cardinal Chronic (BoB at BoW)
DarkStar (stinkerbug)
Flora (Ecthalon)
Henning the Younger (Arcane_Magi)
Melle the Goddess Fryar (Rainywinter)
Murdoch (Nimbrethil)
Pomona (sunnylemondrop)
Ulin (ulinvampslayer)
Vrish Lendzek (agelessdemon76)
Duffman (Lord Striker)
Imoltrayr (Imoltrayr)
Larze Smendal (Mikey 125)
Luther Blissett (LutherBlissett)
Nerev Bang Bang (Feeble Minded)
Port Jerz (cculianu)
Rand BluntBlade (savagefool)
Sosemvolt Torp (kovi2)
Ze French Kannigut (Slygar)
Round 1 map: Forgotten Pain (created by Rainywinter)
GOOD WINS! Evil: 62.7 (62 kills) Good: 68.7 (64 kills)
Round 2 map: Temple of the Winds (created by Kragus Wyrmslayer)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 74.0 (73 kills) Good: 65.4 (61 kills)
Round 3 map: Maze (created by Hakanubis)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 38.2 (38 kills) Good: 34.8 (31 kills)
Another very close game. Each round ended very close with the lead switching back and forth between the teams. Very good teamwork on display.
In honor of the great teamwork, all NWCon 2.5 rewards have been increased 50%. Winning team members get 45,000 deposited to their XP Bank accounts and losers get 22,500.
NWCon 2.5 Bastions of War Team PvP Arena Tournament #6
Saturday, 9/26/04, 8:15pm ET - Level 40
The Evil team wins in two rounds!
Danton L40 (Thor Skulkrush)
Lemon Head's Ancient Bitter Daughter (Rainywinter)
Da Runt (stinkerbug)
Elphaba (Ecthalon)
Mephistopheles (Slygar)
Nerev The Spider (Feeble Minded)
Rand Curveblade1 (savagefool)
Spastic (Spastic Walrus)
Tyllar XT (gwenwoc)
Xithilum (-Ninian-)
AntiDeath (EpsilonZeta)
Bardic Dweia (Dweia_)
Brimstone III (BoB at BoW)
Gladiator (belbaz)
Hirbag Hurgendak (Kielvon)
Lizzy (Mikey 125)
Uliin (ulinvampslayer)
Kaszabolo Rem (kovi2)
Sa1nt (agelessdemon76)
Toxaris The Archer (sunnylemondrop)
Round 1 map: Drow Battle Mansion (created by Deviltail)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 55.3 (49 kills) Good: 35.7 (35 kills)
Round 2 map: Death Pit 2 (created by Jibekn & Istyan the Fiend)
EVIL WINS! Evil: 77.2 (71 kills) Good: 38.4 (38 kills)
That concludes the NWCon BoW tournaments. Thank you to all who participated.
6 tournaments
131 player slots
64 unique players
4,365,000 XP in rewards